. . . 050617_Truth.html

The first published word search of my thoughtlets. Done for H. Roice Nelson, III,
searching on the word "truth" on 17 June 2005.
- Reference: against the truth; for I have spoken the words of your Maker. I know that
- Reference: the words of truth are hard against all uncleanness; but the righteous
- Reference: fear them not, for they love truth and are not shaken.' The scripture
- Reference:In truth people shouldn't criticize any more than they should judge
- Reference: needs strong individuals with deep convictions that are based on truth
- Reference: recognize the truths in the newspaper article: `... When a workaholic's kids
- Reference:truth. I have also had time to reflect on his last six weeks of life and
- Reference: elaborate theories to explain simple truths the prophets had taught
- Reference: and spiritual truths today that is very exciting. On the other side
- Reference:have the power to discern truth, you are claiming to be in control of your
- Reference:coming to a knowledge of the truth' summarizes this approach, and is
- Reference: guilty taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the very
- Reference: center' (1 Nephi 16:2), but `the righteous fear not [the words of truth],
- Reference: for they love truth and are not shaken' (2 Nephi 9:40). I heard again
- Reference: recognize truth makes us free from guilt, anxiety, and bondage, and to
- Reference: have been repeating this `faking it' process? Whatever the `truth' is
- Reference: these things have threads of truth and together they form the fabric of
- Reference: touched by truths beyond the veil and we are comforted. I pray you will
- Reference: is `knowledge and intelligence,' or `light and truth.' These are replicatable
- Reference: topic was D&C 93-96, talking about `learning line up line,' `light and truth,'
- Reference: `We take the gospel for granted. To watch people understand truth, when
- Reference:strikes me as the truth after thinking about it. Since the cousins
- Reference: absolute truth. He did not say, almost no success can compensate for
- Reference: it comes to sharing hard won truths with those you love. Another phrase
- Reference:5. He was full of light and truth and grace
- Reference: of truth in the fabric of my words. In the meantime, we will work on the
- Reference: is ordained of me and sent forth to preach the word of truth by the Comforter,
- Reference: in the Spirit of truth ....' (D&C 50:17) `Yea, behold, I will tell you in
- Reference: other friends. The spirit bore witness to me again the truthfullness of the
- Reference:I hope none of you choose to turn from the truths you were taught as you
- Reference: month you take the time to read it and contemplate the truths it contains.
- Reference: - couragous in standing for truth and right
- Reference: Show me truth so I'll be free
- Reference: Show me truth so I'll be free
- Reference:C6: Show me truth so I'll be free
- Reference: the commandments. An important component is to always tell the truth. It
- Reference: me about your studies and specifically to talk about some of the truths
- Reference: an apology, it would be for untruths, not for truths. I have found my
- Reference: the truth to the point of false advertising. I could see Parkland Hospital
- Reference: Llewellyns. I think there is a grain of truth as to why our family has acted
- Reference: before I will be able to put any kind of `grain of truth' into words.
- Reference: simple truths we have each heard numerous times in many different contexts,
- Reference: truth to her accusation. From the overreaction, I drew the conclusion
- Reference: truths out for myself. And I pray that the Lord will strengthen you to
- Reference: truth and integrity, relevance and humor, I guess I have to admit they are
- Reference: and then will I be convinced of the truth of thy words.
- Reference: about each of you kids, and want you to choose to find the truths I have
- Reference: feel guilty, and so there must be some truth in Roice's comment. Ben's
- Reference: know, the importance, power, and truthfullness of The Book of Mormon.
- Reference: Yet truth's sublime, effulgent rays
- Reference: C6. Show me truth so I'll be free
- Reference: the young children in the audience truth and to prepare them for the
- Reference: A cowboy always tells the truth.
- Reference: of truth and urgency. Thursday evening I had dinner with Charlie Rego in
- Reference: "No," the speaker replied, "that's not the point. The truth this
- Reference: My feelings were hurt, and yet I recognized the truth in Kevin's words.
- Reference: Good partners tell the truth. I responded 'Bob Limbaugh is the best
- Reference: - tell the truth;
- Reference: I have sought to teach you each the truths I have discovered by example and
- Reference: `There was no reason to go on. It was out. The truth was finally out.
- Reference: out of the Tornado Zone. Now I had the truth, something concrete that
- Reference: almost my heart now accept truths taught in the scriptures related to what
- Reference: `Well, I've always been taught to tell the truth. It was obvious when I
- Reference: Show me truth so I'll be free
- Reference: as a second witness of the truthfullness of this statement. I do tend to
- Reference: I do not handle people being semi-obvious about not telling the truth.
- Reference: Thoughtlets get beyond my ego and show the truth of these words to
- Reference: sure testimony of the restoration and of the truthfullness of an
- Reference: their back on the eternal truths I have tried so hard to teach by
- Reference: There is a sliver of truth in this observation, and I recognize I
- Reference: acknowledgement of eternal truths, responsibility for actions,
- Reference: telling the truth, and other basic principles I believe our society
- Reference: 17 years I could have reached Joe and taught him the truth and
- Reference: bore witness of the truthfullness of their words. Sara brought
- Reference: witness yet again of the truthfulness of the work of the restoration.
- Reference: Well, where to begin... to tell the truth I really can't remember not
- Reference: gospel truths can be taught with local context. I spent the afternoon
- Reference: both talent and material means to the spread of truth and the
- Reference: truth; and to seek in every way to contribute to the great
- Reference: state my feelings and the truth, as well as I can see it through a>
- Reference: speaking the truth. One of the things I have strived with all my heart
- Reference: to do in these thoughtlets/searches is to speak the truth, because I believe,
- Reference: and children in the future will recognize it (truth). I do apologize
- Reference: able to find a truth, a truth which you can personally build on to
- Reference: D&C 101:16.), and freedom (The truth shall make us free and temples
- Reference: The gospel gravity anchors us to eternal truths.'
- Reference: telling the truth to my Dad about my route home. I wonder
- Reference: them to walk in the ways of truth and sobernss; ye will
- Reference: does not try to look for deep eternal truths (the whole
- Reference: risk friendship (and business) for truth. Again, I won't
- Reference: every generation needs to rediscover this eternal truth for ourselves.
- Reference: Yes, I'll touch your thoughts of truth
- Reference: And their hearts were touched with truth
- Reference: really taught daughters about truth, agency, and accountability.
- Reference: integrity of truth in all aspects of our lives.' Russel M. Nelson, 12
- Reference: anyone to accept the truth. Especially if they are not willing
- Reference: my friends at work, will never know these truths, as they are not
- Reference: of teaching truth to the people of the world.'
- Reference: was just like him only Mexican, he certainly spoke the truth. The
- Reference: importance of eternal truths and things to those I love.
- Reference: eternal truths and things. Yet I am convinced that the activities
- Reference: makes it as far as having a family. There is eternal truth in simple
- Reference: or minds with light and truth or to play with spiritual rattlesnakes.
- Reference: commitment to truth in general.
- Reference: followed the simple truths we tried to teach. Riley went with me to
- Reference: so we can not hear the spirit attempting to teach us eternal truths?
- Reference: to a knowledge of the truth (II Timothy 3:7).
- Reference: the spirit of truth and the guidance of the Holy Ghost. And we all
- Reference: 2: Twelve disciples, Debating truth
- Reference: the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by
- Reference: the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.
- Reference: to feel loved. Important truths.
- Reference: devotion to the cause of truth from the time of their acceptance
- Reference: be honest and truthful and she tried to serve the Lord to the
- Reference: Contemplating upon the glorious truths of salvation upon my
- Reference: our youth the necessity of being honest and truthful and to
- Reference: and examples, instilling into our minds the principles of truth
- Reference: the new religion. I was soon satisfied of its truth and expressed
- Reference: found I had told him the truth and sent for me to come and
- Reference: of the truths of his Gospel. May He have the honor for it all,
- Reference: is a pleasure to live the life of truth and righteousness for
- Reference: We have many witnesses to testify to its truth in this
- Reference: judged of him according to the truth and holiness which is
- Reference: Christ, and my knowledge of the the truthfullness
- Reference: assuming these represent complete and fundamental truths,
- Reference: sensuality. In an age of truth in advertising,
- Reference: then why are ecstasy and rave not truthfully
- Reference: really do believe Bavinger was onto a fundamental truth
- Reference: faulting episodes. The truth appears to involve both. I
- Reference: your dad, but the little man inside knows the truth, and he'll
- Reference: It hurts that you have not all learned this simple truth, at least
- Reference: Rachel has at least acknowledged this truth, and although, like
- Reference: a Dad and a Step-Dad and how to best teach truth. I have given
- Reference: truth in Randy's statement, and obviously, as I reread this
- Reference: eternal truths written on their pages:
- Reference: when there is reason to question the truthfullness of
- Reference: and pray you will. And I hope my efforts to teach truth
- Reference: If I told the truth, I could keep track of it, because
- Reference: the truth makes sense to me. So how do criminals get
- Reference: the truth.'
- Reference: truths of the restored gospel. Oh well!
- Reference: witness of the truthfulness of the gospel.
- Reference: source of all peace and truth if we have been practicing
- Reference: just for the men who had died on the screen and in truth. Or
- Reference: how they pervert simple truths. And then I recall there
- Reference: and restoration), and orange (creation and light and truth)
- Reference: the beauty, the light, the truth, the knowledge, and
- Reference: tell them the truth about Scar-face Al Capone. He would try
- Reference: to look for truth. In my quest for meaning, there was no
- Reference: saw truth and meaning in his religion and that I decided to
- Reference: truths I have found. Paul, it is wonderful you made
- Reference: truth of thy words. But Alma said unto him:
- Reference: them, and seem to be sincerely searching for truth.
- Reference: is too close to the truth.
- Reference: emotionally for me to face. I expect there is truth here.
- Reference: `He was full of light and truth and grace
- Reference: when you tell the truth. "I don't like the end of that path,"
- Reference: hearing truth, and the spirit of the occasion. I wish
- Reference: Lyndon Johnson look truthful, and John Kennedy look
- Reference: real truth?
- Reference: and fears being cut off themselves if the truth were ever
- Reference: truthful. They were not prepared for what he was to say,
- Reference: how we are taught truths by the Holy Ghost.
- Reference: how we are taught truths by the Holy Ghost.
- Reference: about it, but, in truth, the secret belongs
- Reference: Who laid a sure foundation for the truth that I have learned.
- Reference: `The truth is not that we must
- Reference: several things which confirmed the truth of this advice.
- Reference: comprehend light and truth, and that the material spiral into
- Reference: the sink of a black hole feeds the light and truth emanating
- Reference: `judgement.' It is pure and simple truth. These words helped
- Reference: loss of light and truth. The death of a good man and
- Reference: to add to your vocabulary, along with `truth' to make
- Reference: `light and truth'. Melanie arrived a little after 10:00.
- Reference: special session of Congress was painfully truthful. They were
- Reference: army of Saints standing for truth. Some mouthed the words "thank you,"
- Reference: How grateful I am for the spirit of truth and for the hearts that were
- Reference: up light and truth. When we do our Home Teaching, we are like
- Reference: light and truth to the families we visit. When I was asked to
- Reference: As do a few truths about Saint-Exupery's end. His was a noble
- Reference: In order to find the truth which binds'
- Reference: a man. Its integrity is to follow its own truth, its one single
- Reference: themselves? That's when you see the truth. Look at those who
- Reference: only seekers. But we seek for truth with the best that there is
- Reference: the slothful routine of their lives. His truth was his only
- Reference: motive. His own truth, and his work to achieve it in his own way.
- Reference: to his truth. He held his truth above all things and against
- Reference: the truth. Maybe this is summary of of my life. I hope not.
- Reference: for finding truth:
- Reference: There typically is grain of truth in both the democrat and
- Reference: recognizing truth, so we can be free, and sharing our insights
- Reference: the truth, as question: Does a photo show President Bush
- Reference: against #30 [Compose], but as it says in #31 [Imagery], truth
- Reference: misguided perception. If there is some truth to it,
- Reference: redirect our actions through half-truths and lies. The
- Reference: champion of freedom, or an ego driven madman? The truth is
- Reference: `Pursuit of light and truth
- Reference: As a child of God, I've learned this truth:
- Reference: much reflection the truth is I currently have no interest
- Reference: Maybe I'll be able to convince you of these truths when
- Reference: half-truths! Rather, I hope each of you will look at the
- Reference: see all of the good that flows from these restored truths.
- Reference: And Atbash will reveal the truth to thee'
- Reference: said at a Mass. `If we knew the truth about these
- Reference: testimony one is more likely to feel the spirit of truth
- Reference: between truth and perfection. Something can be true without
- Reference: truth and perfection.
- Reference: between truth and perfection. After all, as I said at the
- Reference: can't be called the truth. Fourth, I don't have time to
- Reference: Many of the stories have a truthful base but the facts are so
- Reference: as the truth. The facts do show a miracle of protection and tell
- Reference: this, truth and the e-mail part company.
- Reference: feel like they were streatching the truth too much. I expect
- Reference: `What is truth?' John 18:38
- Reference: `And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were,
- Reference: beginning. The Spirit of truth is of God. I am the Spirit
- Reference: of truth, and John bore record of me, saying: He received a
- Reference: fullness of truth, yea>, even of all truth; And no man receiveth
- Reference: keepeth his commandments receiveth truth and light, until he
- Reference: is glorified in truth and knoweth all things.' D&C 93:24-28
- Reference: the word truth, and truth is referenced in 13 verses in the
- Reference: Given this context for truth, consider the following in Saturday's
- Reference: be based on truth.
- Reference: to truth and perfection? In my mind they are related to truth,
- Reference: or more specifically to half-truths or agenda>. As soon as
- Reference: something is a half-truth or an agenda>, it is no longer a
- Reference: truth. And yet we all find ourselves telling half-truths and
- Reference: not truthful? I can only say, they are as truthful as I know
- Reference: how to make them. And, since truth is `the knowledge of things
- Reference: as not being truthful by those who have the additional data
- Reference: hoax, it will be recognized by seekers of truth, that it was
- Reference: the truth? Probably not always! However, I always strive to
- Reference: speak the truth, and in this effort, as with paying tithing,
- Reference: today, and forever? Yes. So is the priesthood truth? Yes.
- Reference: now, and he will always be a liar. This is truth. Is Satan
- Reference: the relationship between truth and perfection, as well as the
- Reference: between perfection and truth."
- Reference: not tell the whole truth or only to say the things you think
- Reference: about it. My point is that eventually the truth (knowledge
- Reference: From biographies is truth sieved'
- Reference: grandchildren the kind of eternal truths I have written about
- Reference: Was Cain feeding back to Heavenly Father the truth that we are
- Reference: I have zero tolerance for those who lie to me. I tell the truth,
- Reference: and I expect others to tell the truth to me. And it is a sad
- Reference: always tell me the truth. But as I look back, I see I was
- Reference: It is not good to lie. This is an eternal truth. And to test
- Reference: well-being, as also does what we do affect them. The truth of
With all my love,
(H. Roice Nelson, Jr.)
