Bengt Nelson and Scaremongers

Dear Paul and Kate, Melanie and Jared, Bridget and Justin, Sara, Ben and Sarah, Heather, Audrey, Rachel, and Matt via hardcopy,
cc: file, Tony Hafen, Pauline Nelson via mail,
Sara and Des Penny, Lloyd and Luana Warner, Diane Cluff,
Maxine Shirts, and Sherri Nelson.
Welcome to "Thoughtlets." This is a weekly review of an idea,
belief, thought, or words that will hopefully be of some benefit
to you, my children, with an electronic copy to on-line extended
family members. Any of you can ask me not to clutter your mail
box at any time.
"I received the following note Monday from Uncle Tony:
Read your thoughtlet that I just recieved and found it very
interesting. I would buy one of the books your talking about.
Did you notice if your great great grandfather St. Clair Forsha
was mentioned in it. Your Great Grandfather David R. Forsha
was born at Ironton. Checkout your geneaolgy,St. Clairs wife
was a girl from Cedar.
I responded with:
`Uncle Tony,
St. Clair Forsha is not mentioned. The only mention of Ironton
is on page 401:
`Furnace-master David B. Adams, who had moved from Cedar City
to Beaver in 1856, became, in the spring of 1862, the founding
father of Adamsville, nine miles west. Later, Adams and iron
moulder Richard Harrison lent their expertise to a new effort,
the 1868 organization of Union Iron Works in the Pinto-Iron
Springs area, west of Cedar City. The Union Iron Works
operated three beehive coke ovens and a small furnace on
Pinto Creek, producing pig iron destined for the stamp mills
of Bullion, Nevada. The company underwent a series of
reorganizations to attract new capital, but eventually failed
for the same reasons that plagued the Deseret Iron Company:
iron ore so hard it was difficult to flux, coal too high in
sulfur to easily coke and charcoal increasingly expensive to make.'
Sarah Woolsey was born in Iowa, married and died in St. George
according to my geneology sheets. And I don't know anything
else about her. Her Father, Richard Woolsey, died in New Harmony
and was born in Kentucky. There are three references to Hiram
Woolsey in the book, and this name does not correlate to anything
in my geneology. There are 12 references to Joseph Hunter, who
was one of the Scotts that came to run the Iron Works. He is the
father of Joseph Sneddon Hunter, the father of Sarah Catherine
Hunter, the mother of Roice Bengt Nelson. A Trial Furnace pretty
much ends with Mountain Meadows, and focuses on 1849-1856 when
Iron County was being settled.
Send me your mailing address and we will ask Randy and Kathryn to
mail or get you a copy of the book. Maybe Paul can bring it down
when he comes down for Thanksgiving.
Best Regards,
It was another relatively quiet week for me, and so I decided to
follow up with something I mentioned last week and use Bengt Nelson's
Autobiography as the basis for this week's Thoughtlet. Since it is
longer than most, I will summarize my week, quote Bengt Nelson's
biography, and then write a little more about my perception of
Mountain Meadows and the relationship of this atrocity to modern
I had lunch with Rocky Roden at Macaroni Grill. He is a good guy,
and he likes what we have put together at Dynamic. He had several
useful suggestions to follow-up on. Tuesday afternoon Richard
Nehring, Sam LeRoy, and I had a planning meeting for Dynamic. I
have a lot of calls out to potential clients. Both Rudman and
Woodside were busy with other projects this week, and promised to
get to the contracts next week. I spent most of the week building
some Infinite Grid(SM) maps of the world: topography
(; outcrop geology
(; and tectonic
provinces ( Part
of this was in response to the meetings on Monday and Tuesday, and
part of it is because I don't like to sit around and just wait for
the phone calls to come back in. I will be able to use these three
maps for the rest of my career. I finally finished labeling and
took them to Kinko's at 8:00 PM last night. Oh well!
Tuesday night I watched the new TV series Smallville. It is about
a teenage Clark Kent, and I really thought they did a good job
with it. If you are going to watch TV, it is a much better choice
than some of the stuff the Parents Television Council E-Alert
wrote about this week:
`1. “Judging Amy” Disrobes
CBS broke the barriers of decency on the October 9 episode of “J
Judging Amy” when a male character bared it all--almost. The man w
as first seen lying nude on a diving board at an indoor swimming
pool, using only his left hand to cover his genitals. He proceeds
to carry on a conversation with Amy, trying to convince her to go
skinny-dipping. The camera work included a tight shot of his bare
body. Amy eventually disrobes as well, although we do not see her
naked on screen. She steps out of her underwear and tosses her
bra on a pile of clothes before jumping in the pool to join him.
Although “Judging Amy” airs at 10:00 p.m., this kind of sexualal
explicitness on network television will only serve to sink
television standards even further and allow this kind of lewd
programming to creep into the earlier hours of primetime.
Contact CBS and these sponsors of the show to let them know that
it is not acceptable to air nudity at any point during prime time.
Mr. Leslie Moonves
President & CEO
CBS Entertainment
7800 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(323) 575-2345
E-Mail CBS!
C. Michael Armstrong, CEO
295 N. Maple Ave.
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
(908) 221-2000
Sprint Corp.
William T. Esrey, Chairman and CEO
2330 Shawnee Mission Parkway
Westwood, KS 66205
(913) 624-3000'
The thing that strikes a nerve with me is the simple fact our
society can not understand how a God fearing people can consider
us to be infidels? Television is the only part of America most
of these folks see. And any person with a conscience surely feels
the same way when they stop and think about the smut of today's
media. Rachel gave me a bad time about my description of
`Enterprise,' the new Star Trek prequel, which I have watched the
last three Wednesday nights, since I am no longer working in the
Young Men's organization. It involved meeting another species,
and the Enterprise crewman `getting pregnant.' There was no
physical contact, and nothing seamer than the typical Star Trek
body suits. And yet, Rachel, you are absolutely right, I would
disapprove of most TV shows that have these themes in them. We
all become desensitized. And it it sad to see this chink in the
moral armor of America. Free will and free agency are tough.
Friday evening Andrea and I went to dinner with Matt, Meagan,
and Emily Reynolds. It is hard to believe it has been 8 years,
a mission, a marriage, and now a baby since Matt joined the
church. They are struggling, and they are going to be just
fine. I am very proud of them and their choices. Good people.
Matt said to say hi to all of you kids. After dinner, Andrea
and I went to see the Chinese movie, with English subtitles,
`Iron Monkey.' Good movie. The chinese version of Robin Hood.
And yet it was awfully violent. Blood coming out of the mouths
of fighters, steel balls thrown into the eye of another fighter,
etc., etc. My mind can't help but go to the Book of Mormon:
`Behold, do ye remember the words which he spake unto Lehi,
saying that: Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye
shall prosper in the land? And again it is said that:
Inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall be
cut off from the presence of the Lord. Now I would that
ye should remember, that inasmuch as the Lamanites have
not kept the commandments of God, they have been cut off
from the presence of the Lord. Now we see that the word
of the Lord has been verified in this thing, and the
Lamanites have been cut off from his presence, from the
beginning of their transgressions in the land.' Alma 9:13-14
During the week we received another letter from the Homeowner's
Association specifying yet another `violation.' This time the
branches over the driveway are too low, trucks drove by and
broke off some, and so we were cited for having broken branches
hanging from our trees. My reaction to the people who have the
time to go around the neighborhood and then send these
anonymous letters under the signiture of `The Homeowner's
Association' is similar to my reaction to those in the news
who repeat over and over and over and over and over the same
comment about someone having anthrax or what are the
implications of todays bombing in Afganistan or the hurricane
is coming in this direction or etc. Often times there is
more data than we need. Often times people make bad decisions
as a result of the data saturation. This can range from
staying on Galveston Island, when the storm is really dangerous
and it should be evacuated, yet staying partly as a reaction to
the coverage, to packing your house and moving back to Utah
when a hurricane is sighted on the other side of the Yucatan.
Andrea and I did spend 3 hours in the front yard on Saturday
morning trimming some of the trees, and they do look better.
As I have watched CNN each evening this week, and listened to
the calm, factual presentations of the days events, repeated
over and over and over and over again, I have struggled to
come up with a word to summarize what is going on in these
presentations, no matter whether it is intentional or simply
unitentional consequences of independent decisions, and came
up with the word scaremongers. I'd like to stress there is
a difference between a scaremonger and a prophet, like Alma
who is quoted above. The difference is likely as much in our
attitudes and our reactions, as we listen to the words, as
to the words which are or were spoken and which we are
hearing or reading. While both prophets and scaremongers
foretell the future, prophets are always witnesses of Jesus
Christ, speaking unto men to edification, and exhortation,
and Comfort (I Corinthians 14:3).
Sherri came by and picked up her stuff on Saturday afternoon
after Matt's soccer game while Andrea was at the grocery
store. Her name change from Trittipo to Nelson has just
gone through. Sherri and her two daughters are probably
going to join us for Thanksgiving this year. When she was
staying with us, I asker her to tell me things she notices
that are smilar between me and her Dad. Keith is my second
cousin, Grandpa Nelson's newphew, and I figured it would
provide interesting insights in genetics vs environment,
especially since Keith and I didn't even really know each
other until we both found ourselves in the same church
building in Katy, Texas, about 15 years ago. Sherri
responded `You both like to watch Star Trek.' As you read
the following biography of my Grandpa Nelson's Grandfather,
Bengt Nelson, keep in mind how the Book of Mormon is sort of
Star Trek of the 1840's:
Not many years will come and go before those who pioneered these
western wilds will have passed away, and richly blessed will the
posterity of those be who stopped by the wayside long enough to
record the more important events of their lives. It mattereth
not how humble one is, every day some lesson lived could be
recorded that would benefit some struggling soul upon life's
highway. And with the idea of leaving to posterity such stern and
rugged lessons as are taught by a life of integrity and devotion
to a cause held sacred by us all, while pioneering and building
up these desolate Utah vales, after leaving comfort and quiet in
the distant Scandinavian home this Autobiography of Brother Bengt
Nelson is written and respectfully dedicated.
No one reading it can help but see the steadfastness of purpose
and genuineness of this very soul, and also his dear wife's
devotion to the cause of truth from the time of their acceptance
of the Gospel to the present.
Birthplace and Early Childhood-Schooling and Church Training
I was born in Lomma, Sweden, about three miles west of Lund,
September 28th, 1834. My grandfather Anders Anderson having died
when my father was quite young, they being then in good
circumstances, having a good farm of their own, but as his wife
married again, it seemed that the property through some cause
soon vanished away, and father did not get much of it. I was
about five years old when father moved to Lillauppockra, and my
grandfather Pehr Johnson Bergman died, leaving some property
with which father bought a house and a small piece of land. My
grandmother having died when my mother was but twelve years old,
grandfather also married again, and he being a dragoon in the
Swedish army, was in the war with Napoleon in 1807 when the
gates of the city of Leipzig were shot down by the Swedish
artillery, and two horses were shot from under him. But he got
safely through and returned home and died as stated above in
1838. Father not being satisfied, moved from Lillauppockra to
Torreberga where he rented a farm for ten years, paying three
days work a week, the year around for the rent. I had started
to go to school at Lillauppockra, but was transferred to
Navitshog school where I got my education in the common schools
of Sweden.
I would help father in the summer on the farm and go to school
in the winter. Father kept a pair of horses, a cow, and about
eight head of sheep. He hired some help as it can readily be
seen that nearly half of his time would be spent away from home
in paying the rent on his little farm. He was a hard working
and honest man and very faithful in his labors. He was therefore
much respected as his work was much needed at Torreberg. He was
a handy man, could do anything mostly that was needed to be done
on the farm. He was a good farmer and always ready and willing
to do all he could, he therefore had many favors shown him. He
would use his team in hauling brick to Malmo or Lund when he had
not other work for them to do, which was a help to pay his rent
and other expenses. My father was not a religious man but he
would go to church and was anxious to fill his obligations to
both church and state, but like most of working men he was away
from home and we children were more under the care of our mother.
She would take me by her side and got to church and teach me to
be honest and truthful and she tried to serve the Lord to the
best of her ability in accordance with the Lutheran church. She
read to us the scriptures so I had, as I grew up, become well
posted in the Bible, especially the New Testament. Then again
the school books were mostly of a religious and historical nature,
so I had a good opportunity to see as I grew older, my mind was
constantly directed to serving the Lord. It made an impression
upon me for life, but much of it was some what sectarian in
character, but it has been a blessing to me and I give to my dear
mother the credit for bringing me up in the fear of the Lord to
the best of her knowledge and ability. Also my dear father did
all he could to educate and support his family. His wages were
small, he never in all his life had more than twenty cents a
day. It can therefore readily be seen that he had to work
constantly to make a living for himself and family. He threshed
all his own grain in the night as it was all done in the old
fashioned way with the flail. I had to go and work out as soon
as I could when not in school. I learned to thresh with the flail,
and would get from five to ten cents a day. I also herded swine at
Torreberga for some time and would get from one dollar and fifty
cents a month, which was good wages for a boy nine or ten years
of age at that time.
Work on the Farm -Learning a Trade-
-Taking Contract to Build a Store-Father Helping Me
I was now approaching my teens, and being handy with tools father
thought that blacksmithing would be a good trade for me. I had a
cousin who had married a good blacksmith, and with him I remained
a short time for the purpose of learning the trade. But the
constant hammering and clang of the anvil very much annoyed me,
and the stone coal smoke was also very disagreeable, so I gave up
this line of work.
Mother had a brother who was a good brick-layer, and she
prevailed upon him to take me as that line interested me very
much. I remained with him about three years and enjoyed the work,
and soon got so I could do fairly well along this line. My uncle
also took a great deal of interest in me as I was always willing
to do all I could.
As winter set in I remained home attended school; and as I grew
older I did some teaming for my father. At the end of three
years I went to work with a master mechanic at Lund with whom I
had become acquainted while working on buildings at Torreberga.
During the summer I remained there, we put up a very nice
I was now about 18 years old and had learned the mason trade
fairly well from the building of the foundation to the finishing
of the plastering, and was competent to take contracts on my own
account. A widow who was running a store out in the country near
where father lived, desired to have a building put up, and I
took the contract for the whole job, I to furnish all the
material. I hired a carpenter to do the inside work, father
helped me with the roof, and hauled the brick, etc., for the
building. The store was completed in good time and the old lady
was well satisfied with it.
New Religion Comes to the Country -My Baptism-
-Emigration to America - Much Persecution and Excitement-
Some time in 1853 I heard of a new religion that had come to
the country. It created quite an excitement among the people,
but it took us a long time before we could find out anything
definite about it. The Elders representing this new creed, or
Mormonism as it proved to be, had been cast into prison for
preaching and baptizing, and one man had been transported for
baptizing a man in Helsingborg.
All these stories we became aquatinted with. Finally my sister
and brother-in-law had seen some of the elders and had been
converted and were baptized. They persuaded me to go to Malmo
with them, where a meeting was to be held in a private house,
and this gathering proved to be the first conference of the
Church held in Sweden. It was a room 15 by 16 feet, and there
were present about 18 or 20 persons. What I heard there made
such an impression upon my mind that it has remained with me
up to the present time. I was thoroughly convinced of its
being the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ, and felt justified in
obeying it, and was therefore baptized the same evening,
April 15th, 1854. This step that I had now taken made my heart
full of joy and satisfaction.
Contemplating upon the glorious truths of salvation upon my
returning home, I felt that my father's relatives and friends
would at once accept of it as I had done. But not so, instead
of friends, they proved to be enemies, and it seemed as though
the whole world had now turned against me.
My mother had died in 1853, and this together with the lack of
religious liberty in Sweden at that time, rendering us liable
to arrest any day, decided us to gather together what little
means we could and emigrate to America.
My father said very little about it, but the influence he was
surrounded with and the feelings of the people generally,
caused him to be rather indifferent and he did not embrace it.
But all of his children could see the beauty of the Gospel as
soon as it was taught in its purity; we having been taught in
our youth the necessity of being honest and truthful and to
serve the Lord continually. We were not blinded by the
traditions of our fore-parents, and I can see that my parents
were honest in their convictions, and were, by their teachings
and examples, instilling into our minds the principles of truth
and righteousness, to the best of their knowledge and ability.
I therefore thank the Lord that I was brought up by honest
parents, for it has been the means of making of me what I am
today, namely, a Latter-day Saint. As I had now gathered
together a little means and settled up all my affairs, I, in
company with my brother-in-law and my two sisters, started
from Torreberga to Malmo. Father hitched up his team and took
us, and we bid him, and our fatherland adieu, never expecting
to see each other again.
It was on the 19th of November, 1854 that we took a small
steamer bound for Copenhagen, as we desired to be ready to
sail with the company of Saints leaving there on the 24th.
We reached Copenhagen in safety, and left there on the
steamer Cimbria, on the 24th of November, being over three
hundred in number, all in good health and excellent spirits,
and arrived in Frederickshaven, a seaport on the east coast of
Gothland, where we embarked 143 more passengers, early in the
morning of the 26th. Setting out for Liverpool our prospects
were very fair till about 2 o'clock next morning, when the wind
turned southwest, and began to blow so heavy that our captain
deemed it necessary to turn back, and seek the nearest harbor
in Norway, a port called Mandal, which is an excellent natural
harbor, surrounded by very high and steep granite rocks.
Here we lay till the 7th of December, witnessing storms and
tempestuous winds nearly every day or night, when the captain
thought he would venture to start. About midnight it commenced
blowing from southwest and the sea rolled high and violently,
the waves looked like mountains and swept over the vessel like
it was a mere plaything. Part of the bulwarks were broken in
and some boxes crushed. It became worse and worse and finally
the captain decided to put back. Instead of reaching Mandal we
had to go clear back to Frederickshaven, where we landed on the
9th. We lay here weatherbound until the 20th, during which time
we had rough weather and contrary winds.
After leaving port on the 20th we felt that our prospects were
good but during the night of the 21st-22nd, it became more rough
than ever, insomuch that we were obliged to turn about again,
the ship was partially stripped of the riggings and about to
sink. Soon the wind changed and we were able to steer for Hull,
which place we reached on the 24th about noon.
We arrived in Liverpool in the afternoon about 4. I shall never
forget the appearance of the ship's deck, planks were splintered
and broken ends sticking every way imaginable. The water would
have the appearance of huge mountains and then recede into
valleys. There was considerable sickness among the passengers
and some had very little to eat and drink. The cook was kind and
distributed water among us.
I have crossed the North Sea twice since but never have I seen
anything like this first experience of ours.
We rested in Liverpool several days and on the 11th of January
1855 went on board a sail ship bound for New Orleans, North
America. Everything went well until the 11th of February when a
tremendous storm arose and stripped the ship of all its sails,
but next day it was fine and we could see some of the West India
Islands, we passed these with favorable winds and arrived at the
mouth of the Mississippi River where we cast anchor, until a
river steamer came and towed us up to New Orleans where we
landed on the 23rd of February 1855.
Arrival at St. Louis-Means All Expended Began Work with a Bricklayer-
-Go to St. Riley - Trip Across Plains - Arrival in Salt Lake-
The next morning, Feb. 24th, we boarded a river steamer bound for
St. Louis, where we arrived on the 7th of March.
My sister Caroline and I had now expended all our means and had
borrowed some to help us this far. It was necessary for us to seek
employment but we were advised by our President not to stay in the
south, as it was so hot and sickly, and would be especially severe
on us who were used to northern climes. I met Bro. Erastus Snow
here for the first time, he had been to Denmark and could talk the
language a little, so I could understand him.
He recommended me to a brick-layer by the name of Charles Chard,
with whom I stayed about four months plastering, whitewashing and
doing odd jobs.
It was a very severe trial to me, and no doubt for those I worked
with as well, because I could not understand English, neither could
they speak my native tongue. During these four months I received
for my labor only my board and clothing, but soon an opportunity
presented itself for me to do better. The government was calling
for masons to go to Fort Riley, this same man Chard was selecting
a company of masons and I joined them, being promised two dollars
a day and soldier's rations.
We left St. Louis the 6th day of July on a river steamer for Fort
Leavensworth, then Indian Territory but now Kansas. From there to
Fort Riley by wagon where we arrived the 18th of July 1855.
Our first work was building a lime kiln, then we erected five two
story buildings for officers and soldiers and six stables each
commodious enough to hold one hundred horses. The buildings were
all of stone. We numbered about three hundred workmen and lived
in tents during the summer. The Cholera broke out on 9th of August
and 10 men died, including Major Ogden the commander of the Post.
This made quite a stir in camp, some got drunk, and in a drunken
brawl one man was killed.
I being a stranger to them all and young and not being able to
talk much English, it was not very pleasant for me and I could
understand that they were talking about me and how much money I
would get and by their manner and talk some proved to be a hard
lot men. But the excitement was soon over, work was again started
and the buildings completed. We left Fort Riley the 18th of
November by wagon for Atchison, Kansas, where I intended making
my home for the winter with my brother-in-law, who lived a few
miles distant at a place called Mormon Grove. Arriving there
about the 25th I found several families of Scandinavians
belonging to the Mormon Church. Some meetings were held there
and I began to feel a little more at home, and felt that I could
now breathe easier, not having up to this time, during my work,
even seen a person that I could talk to in my own tongue.
At a meeting held May 1st, 1856 I was ordained to the office of
a priest by N.L. Christensen and appointed Clerk of the Branch.
March 2nd I started for Atchison to seek work. I obtained it
from a man by the name of Randolph at two dollars a day,
boarding myself. I stayed there for about two months when
some trouble arose and building was stopped.
Hearing that labor was in demand at Omaha I took passage up the
river, and arriving there found work on the State House. I
engaged with Mr. Bovey, who had the contract, to work for
forty five dollars per month and board, with the understanding
that I should draw fifty dollars after the first month if I was
worth it.
After the second month Frank Woolley came up to get hands to
drive teams across the Plains and I engaged to go with him,
very much against the desires of Mr. Bovey, as masons were
very hard to get hold of about Omaha. I had decided to take the
first chance I could get to come to Salt Lake, so Mr. Bovey
very kindly paid me a full hundred for two months service.
As I was now at liberty to go west to Utah I made every
preparation for the event. I had promised my sister, younger
than myself, to see her safely through to Zion the first
opportunity I had, and now as the first chance that had
presented itself. She had become acquainted with a Swedish
girl by the name of Ellen Johnson, and was very anxious to
have her go along with her for company, as they were the
only two Swedish girls there and they had became very well
acquainted. I talked the matter over with Brother Frank
Woolley, and it was finally agreed that they could go along
with the company and cook, and I would pay twenty five or
thirty dollars extra, besides the work they would do. The
starting point being Atchison, left Omaha about the 5th of
August and arrived in Atchinson the 7th, and on the 9th we
started with four yoke of cattle, three yoke being perfectly
We had quite a time not being used to driving oxen and I
found that most of the boys were just as green as I. But
it was not long before I could handle them satisfactorily,
and soon they were tamed. There were several in the company
who understood the handling of cattle very well as Porter
Rockwell, Frank B. Woolley and our beloved captain A. O.
Smoot, and others whose names I have forgotten.
We arrived at Fort Kearney the 1st of September, nothing
occurring of any consequences. Arriving at Fort Laramie
the 27th, we continued our journey up the Platte; feed was
getting scarce, the nights were cold, the teams were getting
tired and tender footed. Snow was making its appearance on
the mountains ahead of us, but finally we arrived at Fort
Bridger October 27th. Here we rested a few days, as some of
the teams were badly worn out.
The Captains desired to leave some of the wagons and go on
over the mountains. We left Bridger the 31st, and very soon
it started to snow, and it was not long before we were
travelling in snow three feet deep and were compelled to
camp right on the tops of the Rocky Mountains, tying the
poor animals to the trees without a mouthful of anything
to eat. It was bitter cold, but there was plenty of timber
and we made big fires to warm ourselves and teams. Most of
us were young and it is a wonder that we did not get our
feet frozen, as I had to thaw my boots before it could get
them off my feet.
The next day we met teams that had been sent out from Salt
Lake City with corn for the cattle, this was a great help
to us. We arrived in Salt Lake November 9th 1856.
A Dream - Marriage - Council of Authorities -
- Trip to Cedar City - Experience at Iron Springs -
I had a dream on the plains that I should marry Ellen Johnson,
the girl companion of my sister. I asked if she thought it
would come to pass. She said: "Yes. I have dreamed the same
thing, and Frank Woolley is to marry us." Accordingly we were
married by Frank B. Woolley in his father's house November
16th, 1856.
As I had always prayed in my heart to the Lord to guide me and
to inspire my heart that I might get a wife with whom I could
live happily, it was made known to both of us in a dream that
which should take place, and the same was literally fulfilled.
Having taken upon myself the responsibility of a wife, I first
went to Jedidiah M. Grant for a job on the temple, but his
answer was, "not any fresh hands until spring."
The council at that time was for those who had no employment to
move into the settlements, so I decided to take the first chance
I could get to leave the city. Bishop Woolley thought it best to
go south. The first man I found was Bishop Klingon Smith from
Iron County, who was up to get people to go to Cedar City to
help build up the iron works, which had already been started.
So in company with the Bishop and others we left for the south.
On our way we suffered a good deal with the cold. In Round
Valley, now Scipio, we were lost in a fearful snow storm and
could not find the road leading up to the canyon. Reaching a
clump of cedars on the west side of the valley we camped for
the night, and next morning it had cleared up, but we had about
two and a half feet of snow. During the whole of that day we
had to walk ahead and break the road in front of the teams as
they could not go through it. These were the two worst days we
had on the journey, we had some snow and cold weather after
that but it was not so bad. We finally reached Cedar City
November 29th, 1856.
Winter was approaching and the weather was cold. I was very
anxious to find something to do to provide ourselves with the
bare necessities of life; we were strangers without friends
and feeling very lonely. Of course, it was not long before
we found friends and good ones, too.
The Bishop sent me out to herd cattle at Iron Springs, west
of Cedar about 8 or 10 miles. I was more than willing to
accept of any job to earn our living for the winter. This
insured us something to eat, but we were getting nearly
destitute for shoes and clothing, what little we had in
this line being pretty well worn out before the winter was
over. We were not very pleasantly surrounded. Our home was
a dugout in the bank of the creek and a fireplace dug out in
the bank served as our stove. Willows served as walls, a
loose board for a door, and for the roof, some boards laid
level with the ground at the top of the bank.
Upon one occasion a band of Indians numbering about a dozen,
came to our dugout, crowded in, and demanded everything we
had. We knew it meant death to us if we parted with our food
and bedding and possibly death if we refused them, so we
thought we might as well die first as last, and refused them
with exception of what food we had. They drew their knives
across their throats to show us what would become of us if
we did not accede to their desires. After giving them
practically everything we had in the line of eatables they
left us. We were told afterwards that they only wanted to
scare us, but we were strangers in the country and they
looked and acted very warlike; several times after that they
visited us but there was no further attempt to use any
violence or interfere with us in any way. We were eight or
ten miles form Cedar and they could easily have killed us
both, without anyone knowing the details of the affair, as
we had no friends or relatives at Cedar to have bothered
about it. Of course we felt to thank the Lord for softening
their hearts that they did not kill us, as we were at their
mercy and could not have helped ourselves.
The time spent at Iron Springs, about three months, was
passed by me in looking after the stock and necessarily my
wife was left much of the time during the day alone, thus
making it anything but pleasant.
This was our first winter in Utah.
Short Sketch of the Life of Ellen Johnson- Birth-
- Joining New Religion - Leaving Parents and Native Land
for its Principles -
I was born in Villiga Socken in south eastern Sweden, August
20th, 1835, being the first daughter and second child of Johns
Christofferson and Dortea Bengts. I had the opportunity
afforded to children of those days of attending the common
schools in our little place, and my childhood days were passed
with my parents at home. I later went to live with a married
sister, remaining there about a year. I received my confirmation
in the Lutheran church at about the age of fourteen.
In 1853 I heard of a new sect or religion that had come to the
country, and having been brought up by religious parents, I was
well posted in the scriptures, and began an investigation of
the new religion. I was soon satisfied of its truth and expressed
my willingness to embrace its principles. Accordingly I was
baptized on the 21st of February, 1854, and became a member of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. There being so
much persecution at that time and such a lack of religious
liberty, I was compelled to leave Sweden and go to Denmark. I
arrived in Copenhagen May 1st, 1854. and obtained work in a
cotton factory, remaining there until the latter part of August,
when I left for Malmo, Sweden, in company with President Van
Cott and others, to attend conference. I remained with my
parents until the latter part of November, when, in company
with my half brother Johns Anderson we started for Copenhagen
on the steamer Cympria.
This was the hardest part that I had to perform, to leave my
good old parents, not expecting to see them again on this earth.
But I had faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Gospel that
I held so dear, and hence was equal to the occasion.
As our passes had only been assigned to Copenhagen we were
arrested and driven off the boat, and had to back to Sweden
for new papers. We did not touch Malmo until late Saturday,
all business was closed and the governor was out taking his
evening walk. It was feared by the elders and saints that we
would not get our passes, but I felt sure we would, although
we knew the Governor was very bitter toward the Mormon people.
We hunted him up, and to our surprise, he came with us, gave
us our papers, and never charged us a cent for them. We hardly
knew what to think when we considered how bitter he was toward
our cause, and surely it was nothing but the hand of the Lord
and it was great proof to me that God can soften the hearts of
men for the benefit and good of his cause.
On our return, our steamer having gone to Copenhagen, it was
necessary for us to select another route in order that we
should not be delayed. We embarked on the 29th, and arrived
in Kiel in the evening. We journeyed by train to Hamburg next
day, and after resting three days took a steamer for Hull,
England, reaching there December 7th, and arriving in
Liverpool December 8th.
We were just in time to take the passage on a sailing vessel
bound for America, but had only made a good start when a great
storm arose, and colliding with another ship a large hole was
broken in our boat's side which made it necessary to tow it
back to land for repairs.
We waited for six long weeks and finally chartered another
ship bound for the new world, sailing January 25th, 1855. The
voyage was a long hard one, most of our provisions were stolen,
and for three weeks we subsisted on oatmeal and black tea. It
was about the 1st of April when we landed at New Orleans, and
we at once boarded a river steamer up the Mississippi, and
landed in St. Louis April 11th, 1855.
My brother and I had now spent all our means and we decided
to find work in order to enable us to continue our journey
on to Utah. He found work across the river cutting timber,
but the the privations experienced on board ship, and the
heat of the rived bottoms he sickened and died at St. Louis
in October 1855. Being out in service I never had learned
the date of his death, nor what happened to him after his
demise at the hospital.
I was now left alone in a strange country among strange
people who spoke a language I did not understand. But the
Lord proved to be my friend and guided me along the proper
path. I left St. Louis and went to Weston in April 1856.
There I was taken was down with small-pox, and was stricken
nigh unto death, having it in a very virulent form, but I
was providentially restored to health and the way was opened
up for me to reach Salt Lake City. After my recovery I went
to Omaha and there I fell in with Bengt Nelson and his sister
Caroline. He had engaged to drive a team across the plains
and his sister did not desire to go alone, so I was invited
to accompany her, we to do the cooking for the company. They
were due to leave Atchision August 9th, we therefore boarded
a river steamer and arrived at Atchison August 7th, 1856.
Everything was now in readiness for the journey we left camp
on the 9th, and got along fairly well, although we found a
long tedious trip ahead of us. The work was more than we
expected, often times there were 18 persons to cook for and
many times we would sit up over half the night to bake bread,
and at times we drove team during the day when they were
short, approached the mountains and the more the season
advanced the colder it became, and by the time we reached
Fort Bridger we had snow and plenty of it. Across the
mountains we waded through snow three feet deep. It was the
very thankful hearts that we beheld dry ground on our
approaching Salt Lake City, where we arrived November 9th,
1856, having been on the plains three months to the day.
Making a Home-The Iron Works-Farming and Building the New City
Returning from Iron Springs, the first thing I did was to
secure a lot on which to erect a home for myself and wife,
the new city, the present site of Cedar, having been
surveyed the year before. I secured a city lot from the
Bishop and was the third settler in the new city, as the
people had not started to move up from what was called the
old Fort, but as I was expected to work at the iron works I
came direct to the new location as it was much nearer the
iron works than the old Fort. I dug a cellar, but having
no lumber, I used willows for the roof, then covered them
with straw that I obtained from a kind farmer, and then
covered that with dirt, but it proved to be a rainy season,
and the roof leaked badly. I tore the roof away, made some
adobes, walled up the cellar, and built an adobe room on
top of it. I succeeded in procuring some old boards for the
roof, and covered them with dirt. But not having any boards
for the floor we had quite a time, until I got hold of a few
pieces and made them answer for the part of a floor, at least.
We learned economy and patience, and found that a good many
things that would be considered absolute necessities today,
could be gotten along without. After building my little house
I devoted the rest of the season laboring at the iron works.
This ended our first year in Cedar.
It might be interesting to write a few words about our
financial condition. We brought very little clothing with us,
and that was soon gone. There was no place to buy more, and
further we had nothing to buy with. Money was almost unknown,
and various articles that could be raised or produced were
the commodity of exchange. Nothing was manufactured nearer
than 1200 miles, and we either had to do for ourselves or go
Some families had moved down in the southern part of the
Territory, in the region we called Dixie, and they were
raising cotton. The Bishop brought us some cotton, we picked
the seed out of it, got some hand cards, such as we had in
Sweden, then she carded and spun the cotton into warp. My
wife then spun twenty pounds of wool for Sister Hamilton
to get five pounds for herself. She then procured a loom
to weave it and thus the cloth was made for the first pair
of pants that I had in Cedar.
It was fortunate for us that my wife had learned weaving in
the old country; but this is not a tithing of what we endured
and passed through, and I do not believe anyone can read these
lines, and then say that we were not sincere in the faith that
we had espoused and for which we came to this new country
enduring many hardships, a sample of our experience being
mentioned above.
It was rather discouraging to think that after long days of
hard work one received just anything that the person had,
for whom the work was performed, and a very high price was
paid, too. For instance: I built a house with two rooms in
it and plastered it for two sheep. Those sheep cost me
thirty dollars putting an ordinary valuation on my labor.
I do not blame the man, not at all, it was just the condition
existing. I was thankful to get the sheep, and thankful for
the work. Sheep were as scarce as clothing, and those that
had a few did not want to part with them.
It helped us a great deal when President Young made the call
to settle up Dixie, as we traded grain to them for a few
things to wear such as we needed, and some powder and lead
that we traded to the Indians for buckskin, with which we
made clothing, it being the best and most durable in the
dry weather, and many of us wore buckskin for years. In
1858 the ironworks were discontinued and many of the people
moved away from here. Out of a settlement of about two
hundred families only about forty remained, and the most
of those left were poor, as only about one family in four
had a team or cow. Those who were remaining at the old fort
were being continually urged to come up to the new settlement,
and I being the only bricklayer left, my services were in
great demand, but all I could get for my labor was service
in return, so I decided to get some land as I understood
farming and had a good chance to get land from those who
were moving away. I purchased five acres from John White
who was moving to Beaver, for twenty-five dollars. And I
rented twenty acres from Isaac C. Haight for one-third of
the crop, he furnishing everything except the labor. I run
this farm for two years. Brother Haight also let me have a
cow for forty-five dollars in wheat. From this cow, I raised
a steer, and worked for Father Hamilton for another steer.
I thus became the owner of a yoke of cattle and was able to
do my farm work.
Between times I did some building and as the town had changed
from a manufacturing to a farming community, the most of the
building was done in the fall of the year after harvest, and
this aided me in getting something extra to do outside of the
farming I did for Brother Haight during the years 1858 and 1859.
In 1859 the land owners concluded to move their land nearer
home, so they cut off the 7th and 8th blocks of the old field
and took up the land which is now the west field. Timothy Adams
and I drew together the ten acres just below the knoll in the
west field. I afterwards bought Adams out, this was in the
spring of 1860. Besides running my little farm I did a good
deal of building in Cedar as well as in Hamilton's Fort, this
was during 1860 and 1861.
For many years I was kept especially busy in laying up
buildings in Cedar City. When the city was first located
no buildings had been erected and I had the honor of putting
up nearly every house that was built in the place. Adobes were
used then almost exclusively, and later I also built about
half of the present brick houses in the place. I have built
and superintended all our public buildings, with the exception
of the Ward Hall, and of this I did a good deal of the
building but did not supervise it. I also did a good deal of
work on the first Normal building.
Going to Salt Lake City - Getting our Endowments
- Meeting my Wife's Folks - Organization of Co-Op Store
and Sheep Company -
In the fall of 1862 having a yoke of oxen I fitted up a wagon
out of several parts of old wagons that I had obtained, after
paying out about one hundred and forty dollars, the same today
would be worth not more than ten dollars. I also got another
yoke of young steers to break going to the City, and with this
outfit we started. The two yoke of cattle were nearly wild but
I was young and active and could out run them. We left Cedar
about 1 o'clock in the afternoon and before sundown reached
Parowan. The next day I could ride more and keep them in the
road better. We had fifteen bushels of oats and a few other
things we were taking with us to sell in Salt Lake. With this
load, as we were travelling over the rocky road down Pine Creek
Canyon 2 or 3 spokes in one of the hind wheels broke. At Cove
Creek I had it wrapped with raw-hide so that it stood the rest
of the journey nicely. At Corn Creek I had to get one of my
oxen shod, as he was getting tender-footed. Nothing further
befell us, the team was getting gentle and we arrived in Salt
Lake September 25, 1862. The emigration train which was
bringing my wife's folks had not arrived, so I found a pasture
for my cattle, and during our stay of a week we received our
endowments in the Endowment House, September 27, 1862.
I should have made mention of the fact that I was invited to a
special meeting by Bishop Lunt on the 19th of February, 1860,
and there ordained an Elder by Bishop Henry Lunt.
In the company that we were waiting for were my wife's father,
Johns Christopherson and his wife, her brother, Anders Johnson,
and his wife and a younger brother, Nels.
They all decided to return with us, and we were soon on our way.
The cattle were again full of life, the rest having done them
much good, and we reached Cedar in due time with all in good
health. My wife's people were just as we had been eight years
before, theyl;] could not talk the language, nor yet understand
We were quite poor, not possessing many of the necessities of
life, but we had the folks stay with us that winter, and the
old folks and their younger son Nels we kept and took care of
as best we could. I had a house to build at Harrisburg, so I
remained there during the winter of 1863. Coming home in the
spring I went to farming, at times working at my trade.
Patriarchal Blessings
Having had our patriarchal blessings I will here record them as
we prized them very highly.
Cedar City, Iron County, December 13th, 1861
A blessing by Elisha H. Groves, Patriarch, upon the head of
Bengt Nelson, born in Sweden September 28th, 1834, son of
Nels Anderson.
Brother Bengt Nelson, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood in me vested, I place
my hand on thy head and seal upon thee a Patriarchal or
Father's blessing, which shall rest upon thee and thou shalt
realize the fulfillment thereof. Thou has left thy native
land, thy kindred, and thy friends, choosing to suffer with
the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasure of sin
for a season; which was pleasing in the sight of thy Heavenly
Father, and shall return unto thee many fold. Because of thy
faith and the integrity of thy heart thy sins are remitted
unto thee and thy name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
Thy guardian Angel hat watched over thee for thy good, in
all thy meanderings from thy childhood. He will still be
with thee. In his hands thou wilt be borne up and delivered
from all thine enemies. Thou shalt aid in the redemption of
Zion and the avenging of the blood of innocents on them that
dwelleth upon the earth.
The arm that rises against thee shall wither; the tongue that
speaketh against thee shall be brought to naught. Thy voice
shall be heard both by Kings and nobles upon the earth. Many
by thee will be brought into the new and everlasting convenant.
Thou shalt become a Savior to many of thy kindred both of the
living and the dead.
No miracle shall be too hard for thee to perform whether by
land or sea, which may become necessary for the accomplishment
of thy work.
Thou art of the seed of Abraham, of the loins of Joseph and
blood of Ephriam. A legal heir to the fullness of the Holy
Priesthood, which thou shalt receive in due time, that thou
mayest be able to stand in thy proper lot and station in the
redemption of thy progenitors, many of whom will be made
know unto thee by Holy Messengers, who will commune with
thee from time to time, revealing the genealogy of thy fathers.
Thou art a father in Israel. Thy posterity shall multiply and
become numerous upon the earth; wealth will flow into thy hands,
and all things needful to render life happy and agreeable.
It is thy privilege to behold the coming of thy redeemer, the
reign of peace established upon the earth, to receive many
blessings and privileges in the Temple in Zion, to be
annointed a King and a Priest unto the most High, to receive
thy crown, kingdom, power and eternal increase; to be
numbered with the hundred forty and four thousand, and thy
inheritance with the faithful sons of Ephriam in Zion. Be
thou therefore faithful, yield not to temptation, and these
blessings will be certain unto thee. I seal them upon thy
head, in the name of Jesus our Redeemer, even so. Amen.
Cedar City, Iron County, December 13th , 1861
A blessing by Elisha H. Groves, Patriarch, upon the head of
Ellen Johnson, daughter of Johns Christofferson and Dortea
Bengtson, born in Sweden, August 20th, 1835.
Sister Ellen, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by
virtue of the Holy Priesthood in me vested I place my hands
upon thy head and seal upon thee a Patriarchal or Father's
blessing, which shall rest upon thee, and thou shalt realize
the fulfillment thereof.
Because of thy faith and the integrity of thy heart thy sins
are remitted in thee. Thy guardian Angel hath been with thee
from thy birth in all thy privations and afflictions, and he
will be with thee. In his hands thou wilt be borne up and
delivered from the influence and powers of thy common enemy.
Thy life will be precious in the sight of thy Heavenly Father.
Thy days will be multiplied upon the earth. Thou art a daughter
of Abraham, of the Loins of Joseph, and blood of Ephriam, a
legal heir to all the privileges, blessings and powers which
pertain to the Holy Priesthood, according to thy sex, which
thou shalt receive in due time, that thou mayest be able to
stand, in connection with thy husband, in the redemption of
thy progenitors.
Thou art a mother in Israel, thy posterity shall multiply and
become numerous upon the earth. Thy name shall be handed down
to the latest generation as an honorable mother in Zion,
inasmuch as thou wilt be faithful in keeping all the
commandments of the Lord, thy God, and harken to the counsel
of those who are placed over thee.
Thou shalt behold the winding up scene, the coming of the
redeemer, the reign of peace upon the earth, receive many
blessings and privileges in the Temple of Zion, be annointed
a Queen and Priestess, receive thy crown, dominion, power and
eternal increase, thy inheritance and thy benefactors in Zion.
Be thou faithful and these blessings shall be sure and certain
unto thee. I seal them upon thy head in the name of Jesus of
Nazareth, our Redeemer. Amen.
Ordination - Labors in the Ward - Co-Operation Buildings -
- City Councilor - Mission to Sweden -
Richard Burbeck called on me for my genealogy as he had been
instructed to get up a Seventy's Quorum on the 18th of April
1863, the quorum was organized and I was ordained a seventy
becoming a member of the 63rd Quorum. Henry Herryman, one of
the first Presidents of Seventies, ordained me. I was also
called by Bishop Lunt to act as Ward Teacher and presided over
the Lesser Priesthood,and took general charge of our meeting
house. Taking care of the Lesser Priesthood was a hard mission
for me, but I did the best I could, and held the position
until called on a foreign mission.
I was elected city treasurer, marshal, and assessor and
collector during 1867-68, and in my home affairs I was kept
busy farming and building, laying up two or three houses every
year according to the size of them.
The Co-operative Mercantile Company was organized the 3rd of
March, 1869. I took $25 in the concern, being all I could do
at that time. It was made up of small stockholders and was
kept by John M. Higbee in his granary.
The Sheep Company was organized into a Co-operative Sheep
Association May 20th, 1869. I put in 68 head valued at $344.50.
I took the contract of building the Co-op Store for part
capital stock and part merchandise. O completed in Dec. 17th,
I was elected a member of the City Council August 7th, 1876
and labored in that office until the spring of 1877 when I
was called on a mission to Sweden. I was called at the
conference held in the St. George Temple, April 8th, 1876.
I immediately made preparation for my my departure, and left
Cedar the 23rd, arriving in Salt Lake City May 5th. Travel
from Cedar to Salt Lake was by team and at times very
difficult owing to bad roads. A meeting of the missionaries
was called to be held in the Council House and I was there
set apart by Apostle Orson Pratt to northern Scandinavia.
This was the afternoon of May 5th, 1877.
I, in company with 24 others, left Salt Lake May 8th. At
Ogden we changed cars for Omaha where we arrived at 5 p.m.
on the 10th. Crossing the river over the large bridge we
changed cars for Chicago, and on through Pittsburgh and
Philadelphia arriving in New York May 14th at 6 a.m.
During our stay here we visited the large reservoir that
furnished water to the city; we were told it contained forty
million gallons of water. We also went to see the zoological
gardens where all the wild animals are kept, also birds of
all kinds. The large animals from the lion down were confined
in iron cages, those that were tamed, such as the buffalo,
were either in stables or out in the pasture.
On the 15th of May at 4 p.m. we boarded the steamer Nevada,
bound for Liverpool. There were four of us going to Sweden.
Our ship was 353 feet long, 40 feet wide, and carried 300
horse power. Crossing the ocean I was very sea-sick, and could
eat practically nothing. When I felt a little better I
improved my time reading the Swedish Testament, thereby
helping me with the scriptures as well as my native tongue.
I had been away from Sweden nearly 23 years and had
continually tired to learn English, never once thinking I
would have occasion to use my mother tongue again. We all
tried to get first cabin accommodations, but they were full,
and some of us had to take quarters next to the stables where
about 30 horses were kept and the odor from there, together
with the rough stormy weather we had helped to make our
voyage the more unpleasant and our seasickness worse.
Reached Liverpool May 27th, rested one day, then took the
train for Hull. On May 30th we took steamer over the North
Sea for Hamburg, Germany, and on June 1st, travelled by rail
from there to Kiel. Taking the steamer we landed at Kasor,
on the Denmark side, and by cars up to Copenhagen. Here we
met President Liljenquist and others. This was June 2nd,
1877, and the next day we crossed over to Malmo, Sweden.
My Labors as a Missionary - Dreams and Other Manifestations
Sunday morning June 3rd, 1877, in company with President
Liljenquist and others, I took steamer for Malmo, Sweden to
a conference that was to be held there, where I had the
privilege of meeting with a goodly number of Latter-Day
Saints and strangers of my own nationality. I found that I
had become a stranger in my own country; the habits,
customs and even the language seemed to be different. At
the conference I was appointed to labor in the Shone
conference, comprising the following branches: Malmo, Lund,
Christianstad and Blakinges. First I was permitted to go
and visit my relations. I first sought my sister but to my
great surprise found she had been dead twelve years, having
died in childbed. I found five of her children, the youngest
being 12 years old, out in service, the father having married
again. I visited them all, but their minds had been so
poisoned against me, they did not care to talk. I found a
great deal of prejudice existing among the people but I did
not feel discouraged. I looked up as many of relatives as I
could find, and many of my old acquaintances, and made a
good impression of many of them.
Two of my father's sisters, who were very old and feeble,
were very glad to see me, but they thought they were too
old to understand our faith, and they were imbued with the
traditions of their fore-parents, and grounded in the religion
of their country that no change was made in their belief.
I also had a long talk with my mother's brother and his wife.
He was a man well informed in the scriptures and repudiated
the idea of a boy like me telling him what was found therein.
Of course, I did not dispute him but simply said, "you do not
understand it," and I gave him some of our tracts. After
looking over them he said, "This looks like the word of the
Lord." "Yes," I said, "it is not the church of Luther, nor
the church of any man, it is the church of Jesus Christ as
it was in his day." He did not acknowledge at that time the
entirety of my statement, but after careful investigation he
found I had told him the truth and sent for me to come and
baptize them. The message came just I was preparing to
return home from my mission, and I sent another Elder to go
and comply with their desires. Both he and his wife were
baptized and confirmed members of the church. They did not
live long after this, and I have since had the privilege of
doing their work in the Temple for them. This was the man I
had learned the mason trade from.
At the time of my arrival in the mission, I was given a
young Elder as a a companion and we started out. It was
over 23 years since I had left Sweden, and I had forgotten
some of the language. I had had no previous experience in
missionary work, and altogether began to feel discouraged
and thought that I could not do justice to the cause I was
to represent. Arriving in the city of Helsingborg I felt
tired and my head ached, so I asked the sister if I could
lie down on the lounge. Permission was given and I soon
fell asleep. It was on the 6th day of July 1877 about 2 p.m.
And while I slept I thought I saw a building, the largest I
had ever seen. The walls were up and the roof on, but a great
deal of work was yet to be done. There were so many arches of
wood and of brick, so many braces and supports wherever I
looked that I thought I had never seen anything like it
before. And while I looked I learned that I, too, had to
work in this building. It made me feel very timid to think
of working in such a spacious place where all the workmen
could see me. But as I looked around and saw all the busy
workers, I felt that I could do just as good work in the
mason lines they were doing, and went after my tools, which
I thought, had been left in a corner of the house. It seemed
that my tools were a little different from the others, and
as I returned all the people in the building turned round to
look at me. It seemed that I was sent there to work and had
it to do, and I could see the necessity for it as there was
a great deal to be done and few to do it. And thus I awoke.
This dream gave me encouragement and I felt much better and
realized that the Lord had answered my prayers. I also
received the interpretation of my dream to my perfect
satisfaction. The meaning is this: The building is the
church, the arches, braces and supports being the holy
scriptures to support the building and also to support me
in my administration or work in the building. I being a
mason by trade, my tools were the language. These, I felt,
were not the same kind of tools I had been using, and this
made it somewhat awkward for me. But now I felt that the
Lord was with me, and knew that I was there in the interest
of his work. I therefore labored to the best of my ability
for the salvation of the human family to bring souls unto
the Lord.
I will here mention another remarkable incident that happened
in Trelleborg, a small sea-town on the southern coast of
Sweden. A young woman applied for baptism and the sea was the
only place where we could perform the ordinance. It had been
blowing all day and the waves were rolling heavy. A young man
who was with me was taking the applicant into the water, and I
cautioned him before going in to be careful and watch the waves
so they would not take them under. But to our surprise the
water was perfectly smooth for about a rod around them, and as
soon as they came out of the water the waves came rolling after
them as bad as before. There were seven persons present and
three were not church members, and when I asked them if they
saw that, they said they had never witnessed anything like it
In my travels I have seen may wonderful manifestations, and it
has proven that the Lord has been with me. Also many persons
afflicted with diverse diseases have been healed by being
administered to, in my travels among the people. In my humble
way I feel to thank my Father in Heaven for his protecting
care that has been over me as I have visited and talked in
nearly every city and village in the branches before mentioned.
I travelled on foot nearly 3000 miles, held 125 meetings,
baptized 9, confirmed 11, ordained one Elder and two Teachers,
and blessed one child. I presided in the Lund branch the last
six months of my mission. Having suffered much with cold and
my health not being the best during the previous winter. I
was released to return home the last company leaving Denmark.
After having settled up my business affairs with the branch I
again left my native land the 7th of September, 1878. Arriving
at Copenhagen with the saints who accompanied me from Sweden,
we met the main company who were leaving for Utah. Embarked on
a small steamer for England on the evening of the 8th, arriving
at Hull on the 10th, and after a six hour ride on the train we
reached Liverpool.
September 12th we boarded the steamer Wyoming. There was quite
a company of saints from England and the whole company was
presided over by Henry H. Naisbit.
At high noon on the 14th we set sail; encountered some story
weather; the sea did not seem to agree with me and I was sick
most of the time. We arrived in New York the 25th, and remained
at the Castle garden overnight. Took the train for the West the
next day. I had charge of two cars of Scandinavian saints, as
they were quite helpless without the language. We had prayer
regularly, and I saw that all their wants were supplied.
Reached Pittsburg on the evening of the 27th, and changed
cars for Chicago, changed again to Council Bluffs; passing
over the bridge to Omaha we had a continuous passage to Salt
Lake City, where we arrived October 3rd at ten o'clock at night.
We had 890 passengers and reached Salt Lake just in time for
conference, which I attended before starting home.
My wife and oldest son Bengt were there to meet me with the
team, as there was no railroad then. We started for home on the
7th, and arrived in Cedar City October 17, 1878.
Labors at Home - Offices Held - Buildings Erected
I found all well at home; prosperity had attended my family;
crops were bounteous during my absence, and the boys did well
in their family work by being assisted and directed by my wife.
They even hauled their tithing wood, and did better than many
men would have done, although the eldest was but 18 and the
next 14. The work was hard, and especially so without
machinery to farm with. They had to bind their own grain, and
not only that but bind for others to get their grain cut. They
did this for two years. It had been a very dry summer, water
was scarce and it was impossible to get enough to water a nice
patch of corn which they had planted. But a nice rain came and
they had an excellent yield of corn, which brought a good price
and enabled them to repay some of the money I had hired for my
journey to Sweden. It was thus proven to us all that the Lord
never requires anything us, but that the way is opened for its
accomplishment, inasmuch as we are willing to obey His laws and
work for the advancement of his Kingdom upon the earth. I
therefore feel to thank Him for the manifestations of his
goodness toward us.
On the 26th of October I was called upon by Bishop Lunt to act
as Ward Teacher. On the 21st of November Apostle Erastus Snow
invited me, in connection with Bishop Lunt and Brother Arthur
to a conference that was to be held in Minersville, Beaver Stake,
and from there to Beaver City, around to Paragonah, Parowan, and
home to Cedar, arriving here on the 25th.
I was elected a member of the City Council of Cedar October 31st,
1879. I was chosen vice-president of the Co-op Store board
December 20th. Was also selected as the head of the committee
on Christmas dances for 1879. At the Stake Conference held at
Parowan, December 28th, I was chosen second counsellor to
Bishop C.J. Arthur, and was ordained a High Priest and set
apart to that office by Henry Lunt, then second counsellor in
the Stake Presidency. I labored in this position until the 19th
of April 1884, when Henry Lunt was put in Bishop, Brother Arthur
having been called on a mission to England.
In 1881 I took the contract to build the District School House,
furnishing the tending and building for $5.50 per thousand
amounting to $375. The foundation and dressing the rock
amounted to $107.60
I was chosen at the head of the committee for the 24th of July
1882, and in connection with the rest of the members, we got up
one of the best programs we had ever had for pioneer day. There
were represented the ox teams, the wagons and the pioneers on
foot. Also the handcarts and the emigrants, men, women and
children with their effects on the carts, and pulling them
along, making the scene very realistic and touching. Then came
the people dressed in the comforts and fashions of the day,
making quite a contrast to the hardships and sufferings that
our forefathers passed through in order to bring us, their
children, to a land of freedom, away from their enemies,
where thy might serve the Lord without being molested or
made afraid. We can read in the history of the church the
reason the Lord inspired his servants to lead them into the
valley of these Rocky Mountains, where we have lived in
comparative peace for over 60 years.
In 1883 the boys and I decided to pull the house down and
build it up again, it having sunk and badly cracked. It was a
big undertaking but the boys were all at home and we
accomplished the work nicely and remodeled it more to suit us.
At the September term of court held in Beaver I was drawn as
juryman, and was obliged to serve for two weeks. It was while
I was still busy with my house and I was very anxious to get
home, having only one room plastered and living at the time
in a rented home.
In 1883 I was called upon to draw a plan for a new Tabernacle.
I did so and it was accepted by the Board. I was then appointed
superintendent of the building. It was started in 1884 and
completed in 1885.
At a meeting of the stockholders of the Co-op Store I was
elected Treasurer March 20th, 1880. I was appointed vice
President of the Cedar Sheep Association January 26th, 1880,
and at a general meeting of the stockholders November 7th,
1881 I was elected Vice President for the following two years.
The Tabernacle was plastered under my supervision, by myself
and others, in 1888.
The Kanarra meeting house, having burned down in 1892, I was
asked to come down and examine the condition of the brick
walls and report on the roofing of the building. They engaged
me to go ahead with the work, and after completing the
building I plastered the basement in February 1893.
I was present at the dedication of the Salt Lake Temple and
was admitted April 6th, 1893.
At the election of school trustees in November 1893 I was
elected for two years, but the law being change in 1892, I
held over until the 2nd Monday in July 1896.
At the general meeting of the North Field Irrigation Co. I
was elected director for two years.
In the spring of 1895 I was engaged by the Parowan Dramatic Co.
to come up there and superintend the building of their hall. I
started April 22nd, 1895, but having been drawn a juryman for
the May term of court I had to go to Beaver the 6th of May.
The Dramatic Co. not having a man to take my place, got up an
affidavit and sent to the Judge and I as released an returned
to Parowan and finished the building.
In November 1895 I was elected a member of the City Council
for two years, and re-elected in 1897, continuing in office
until January 1900.
February 8th, 1898, at a general meeting of the North Field
Reservoir and Irrigation Co. I was elected President.
In 1897, the Co-op Store having been closed by our creditors
in January, an agreement was entered into with Zion's
Cooperative Mercantile Institution at Salt Lake, they being
the heaviest creditors, to have a board appointed to continue
the business, and for them to give their note of nearly
$15,00 payable in three installments of six months each.
Uriah Jones, Francis Webster and myself were chosen as said
board, the notes were paid in time as per agreement, and the
Board honorably released.
Positions of Trust - Short History - Work for the Dead -
- Golden Wedding -
I have held many positions of trust in Cedar City and have
labored faithfully to the best of my knowledge and ability
for the interest and welfare of the people in whatever
capacity I have been called to fill, and whenever I was up
for office I have never yet been defeated at the polls.
I am the only man of my father's and mother's people who
embraced the Gospel and came to Zion. In this respect I have
let out and got to the Temples and performed the work for
our dead; and now that our work is nearly finished we hope
that our children will continue on in the labor we have begun,
for great will be our joy to meet them hereafter and find that
they have finished the labors we were unable to perform, as it
has been our great desire to accomplish this task, and we know
there is yet much to be done, as many names of our ancestors
have not yet been obtained, and the connecting link has not
yet been made complete.
When my wife and I, in our youth, left our native land we
did not realize the great necessity of getting as complete a
genealogical record of our ancestors as we could, and
therefore we have been lacking in this respect. We left our
native land, our relatives and friends and all, purely for
the Gospel's sake, and we have been blessed in temporal and
spiritual affairs, more than we possibly could have had we
remained in the old world. We read in Matthew, 19th chapter,
29th verse: "And everyone that hath forsaken houses or brother
or sister or father or mother or wife for my name's sake shall
receive a hundred fold and shall inherit everlasting life.
November 16, 1906 was the 50th anniversary of our wedding day,
and we had the honor of an invitation from our son John and
his wife to celebrate the event at their house. We only
regret that all could not be present as a very pleasant evening
was spent with the family and friends who had been invited.
Quite a contrast to conditions existing at the time we were
After helping with the building of the Normal boiler room and
finishing the chimney for the same I also helped build the
north west room of the district school house.
On the 6th of October I took a trip to Salt Lake to visit with
Charles and his family. We had a pleasant time and arrived home
I busied myself after my return in building a house for Joseph
Melling, and some other jobs. Since then, my health failing me,
I have given up, for the most part, my mason work. I have a
desire to live long enough to visit my eldest sister, who is
nearly 82 years old.
There is still some work in the Temple that I desire to perform
for our dead and also ourselves. I will be 75 next September and
my wife 74 in August. I feel to thank the Lord for preserving our
lives so long.
Since writing the above my wife was going out into the yard about
midday of the last of December, 1909, it had rained and the snow
was slippery, she fell and broke her thigh bone near her hip
joint. All was done that could be for her but the injury was
severe, and she so advanced in years, that it proved too much for
her and she breathed her last on January 10th, 1910.
My health not being very good the last year or two it proved
quite a shock to me, but my condition improved to such an extent
that I was able to make my long desired visit to my aged sister.
I left Cedar February 19th, 1910 arrived in Santaquin the morning
of the 20th; stayed a week with my sister, who is nearly 83 years
old, and had a pleasant time talking over childhood days and
early experiences. Continued journey on to Salt Lake where I
stayed with my son Charles and his family. While there I
purchased marble headstone for the graves of my father-in-law,
his wife and son Nels. I then looked up a monument for myself
and wife. They have all arrived here and I have put them in
place. I made the foot stones out of cement. The total cost of
all, delivered here, amounting to near $350. I feel satisfied
with my labors which have been complete so far.
After returning from Salt Lake City, my son Bengt and I made a
trip to the Temple at St. George, where I obtained my second
annointings March 24th, 1910 and finished up the work I had
to perform for the dead. Besides the work Bengt and I did, I
engaged hands at the Temple to finish our labors, there being
38 names in all. We enjoyed ourselves immensely, and I must
say I never experienced such a heavenly feeling as was made
manifest there. Returning home it turned out very cold and
stormy, and I was nearly frozen, and took quite a bad cold.
I now feel thankful that my desires have been accomplished.
I am not yet through with my labors but will feel satisfied
whenever the Lord desires to call me.
Final Testimony
Before concluding I will mention one or two experiences I have had.
Not long ago I was visited by a young man from Mayfield, San
Pete Co., Utah, by the name of Nelson, whose father, now nearly
80 years age, was especially desirous that he should call and
see me, and tell me of the remarkable incident that brought him
into the church. It seems that while I was laboring in Blakinge,
Sweden, I was preaching in a place called Hallarum, where this
man Nelson lived. I was the first Elder he had ever heard, and
while speaking, he saw a halo of light over my head, and my
simple but powerful testimony of the Gospel made such an
impression upon him that he and his family joined the church
and emigrated to Utah when I returned home, and are now living
in Mayfield, San Pete Co.. I write this as a testimony to those
who may read it, of the wonderful ways of God in bringing about
his work upon the earth, and in convincing the children of men
of the truths of his Gospel. May He have the honor for it all,
for it was the manifestation of his power through a humble servant.
Another incident:
On the morning of December 17th, 1905, a little after 2 o'clock,
I awoke and was lying on my left side toward the wall. As I
opened my eyes the room was light and so brilliant that I
cannot describe its beauty: Its brightness exceeded the
noon-day sun. As I lay still and looked I felt a personage
at the side of the bed and felt the quilt carefully lifted
and drawn over my face. Then I began to feel nervous but
remained perfectly still, and heard some person moving
around the room. A bottle on the chair near the bed was
lifted up and set down again. I lay motionless for perhaps
five minutes, then raised the cover, the room was dark and I
heard no more.
This little history will be left to my children, grandchildren
and future posterity. It is a brief story of the experiences
of my life and that of my beloved wife, who has been called
away from me, and I have been called to mourn her loss in my
declining years.
To those who may read this sketch, consider the circumstances
that have surrounded us in obtaining the liberties and
blessings of the Gospel, which we received in our native land.
'Tis true we have suffered privations, but the Lord has ever
been mindful of us and has blessed us with comforts of this
life that we never could have received in far off Europe.
Still it was with a desire of an eternal reward that we
embraced the Faith and like Paul of old it could be said:
"If in this life only we have hope we would be of all men the
most miserable."
We had an abiding assurance in our hearts that we had obeyed
our Father in Heaven, and with that assurance our trials and
sufferings have been endured with patience, and much love has
grown up in us for the principles that we have embraced. It
is a pleasure to live the life of truth and righteousness for
Jesus has said: "My yoke is easy and my burden it light."
I want to warn all to lay aside all evil habits which God has
forbidden, evils which are growing among the Latter Day Saints.
Jesus said, "Let your communication be yea, yea; nay, nay; for
whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." If you are
wronged by anybody do not worry over it, there will come a
day of reckoning for the sinner. Those who have wronged me
in this life have never benefited one cent, and in every case
are not so well off financially as I am.
The Lord has blessed us in our labors. For years my wife and
I took charge of the sacrament, furnishing the same and seeing
that all was in readiness. Many positions that I have held
among the people have taken me away from many of my family
duties, and work has been left for my wife to perform that
I should have attended to. When leaving for my mission, my
children were young and just at an age when they very much
needed my support, but my wife was blessed in taking charge
of affairs; things prospered in their hands and the Lord
returned me home in peace and safety.
And now, my dear children, I want to bear my testimony to you
and to all who may see this that I know that the Gospel I have
espoused is the same as taught by our Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christ, who in very deed returned after his resurrection and
revealed himself unto the Apostles. (See Mark 16 chapter
beginning at the 14th verse.)
I would desire that you read the 1st and 2nd chapters of
the Acts of the Apostles showing how the power of God was
made manifest unto them.
Refer to the 9th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles of the
conversion of Paul or Saul as the Lord called him.
We read in Galatians 1st chapter, 8th verse: "But we though,
or an angel from heaven, preach any other Gospel unto you
than that which we have preached unto you, let him be
I quote these passages for the benefit of those who may not
be satisfied as to the divinity of the cause, that you may
take the admonition of James, 1st chapter, 5th verse,
wherein he says to ask God for wisdom and thus prevent
deception. As recorded by John The Revelator the angel has
in our time delivered the Gospel to the Prophet Joseph Smith,
also the Book of Mormon which is the record of the ancient
inhabitants of this the American continent and the dealings
of God with those people.
We have many witnesses to testify to its truth in this
generation and I have no fear of its outcome, all I need
to do is to be faithful to my covenants which I have made
with my god, being able to serve him much better than I
could do in my native land. I therefore bear my testimony
to you that I know God lives and is the Father of this work.
I have born this testimony to thousands of people, and am
happy to say that many have embraced the Gospel through it.
Some of my own kin have received this knowledge, and for
many of my dead I have done work in the house of the Lord,
and happy will I be to meet them with the assurance that I
have performed for them what they could not do for themselves.
I am now nearing 76 years of age and according to the allotted
life of many my stay here is not long. I am in the hands of
God and abideth my time.
Bengt Nelson, Sr., died on April 22, 1919 at the age of 84 years.'
Everytime I read this, the tears well up in my eyes, and I wish
I could find the words to tell the whole world the feelings of
my heart and what the spirit has yet again born witness of to
me. Guess it is a major reason why I struggle each week to
write something that will hopefully become useful to each of
you sometime during your journey through life. It certainly
can't all be useful all the time, and hopefully some of it will
prove to be useful sometime.
Having just read `A Trial Furnace' (0142.html) I can not help
but view Bengt Nelson's biography in a different light. The
second reference to Bengt was on page 495 in Appendix 11, Utah
Territorial Militia (Nauvoo Legion): 10th Regiment Battalion and
Company Muster Rolls, 10 October 1857, where he is listed as
a Private in the Fourth Platoon under Sween Jacobs, 2nd Lt. and
Josuah Arthur, Sgt., in Company E, Cedar City. For reference,
Company B from Parowan had 5 Platoons with 47 soldiers, Company
C from Parowan had 5 Platoons with 49 soldiers, Company D from
Cedar City had 5 Platoons with 50 soldiers, Bengt's Company E
from Cedar City had 5 Platoons with 46 soldiers, Company F from
Cedar City had 5 Platoons with 43 soldiers, Company G from
Cedar City had 5 Platoons with 41 soldiers, and Company H from
New Harmony had 5 Platoons with 38 soldiers, including Peter
Shirts in the Fifth Platoon under Henry Barney, 2nd Lt. and
Jas. G. Gavies, Sgt. In addition, there was a Company with
6 Platoons from Washington and a Company with 4 Platoons from
Beaver under Captain Phil T. Farnsworth, the grandfather of
the inventor of television. Between the 7 Companies between
Parowan and New Harmony there were 35 Platoons and 314
soldiers plus the regimental comanders. The Mountain Meadows
Massacre (../9901.html) occured between Monday the 7th and
12th of September, just prior to the October Muster Rolls.
Quoting from Morris and Kathryn Shirts' book:
`The role of the Mormons in inciting the Indians to attack
the Fancher-Baker train continues to be debated but there
is no doubt that Mormon militiamen from the Second and
Third Battallions (Cedar City [Companies D, E, F, and G])
and the Fourth Battalion (Harmony [Company H]) took part
in the siege, including at least two high-grade field
officers, Majors John D. Lee and John M. Higbee. The
Indians were incensed by the casualties they had suffered
and the situation was becominmg volatile even for the
Mormons. If the Indians chose to interpret as a betrayal
any mercy shown by the militia towards surviving emigrants,
the Indians might turn and attack the Mormons. Seeking for
some kind of authoritative solution, the militiamen sent
messengers to William H. Dame as Parowan Stake President
and head of the Iron Military District and to Isaac C.
Haight as Cedar City Stake President and second in
regimental command.
James Haslam, the emissary to Brigham Young, had reached
Salt Lake City around noon on Thursday, 10 September,
leaving immediately after his meeting with President Young
and arriving in Cedar City on the 13th. However, before
he returned with Young's reply (which contained orders not
to molest the wagon train), William Aiden, one of three
men from the Fancher-Baker party trying to escape for help,
was killed by a Mormon militiaman. At that point, the
decision was made to give into increasingly hostlie
feelings among the Indians and eliminate the entire wagon
train. Exactly who made this decision and when it occured
has never been established.' pages 389-390
Juanita Brooks book on the Mountain Meadows Massacre says
that about 140 men, women, and children `old enough to talk'
were killed. Bengt Nelson was in Company E and Peter Shirts
was in Company H. And to reinforce the context I see, I will
again quote from Bengt Nelson's biography:
`now left alone in a strange country among strange people
who spoke a language I did not understand. ... We knew it
meant death to us if we parted with our food and bedding and
possibly death if we refused them, so we thought we might as
well die first as last, and refused them with exception of
what food we had. They drew their knives across their throats
to show us what would become of us if we did not accede to
their desires. After giving them practically everything we
had in the line of eatables they left us. We were told
afterwards that they only wanted to scare us, but we were
strangers in the country and they looked and acted very
warlike; several times after that they visited us but there
was no further attempt to use any violence or interfere with
us in any way.'
I can't help but wonder when Bengt and Ellen learned the
Indian's `only wanted to scare them.' While they were still
at Iron Springs in the winter of 1856 and the spring of 1857,
or after the atrocities in September of 1857? I can help but
wonder if Brigham Young would have fought Johnson's Army if
this had had not happened. I recall my Dad saying with pride,
`My family never got involved in that' [pologamy], and
wondering if there was a reason. I specifically remember
talking to Grandma Nelson one day on the farm, and she got
very serious, and then she said, `No, I think it is better
that some things die with us, and not be passed on.' And I
asked her what she was talking about, and she said, `Oh just
something that happened over there' (pointing towards the
iron mines (and Mountain Meadows). I recall hearing Otto
Fife, the Cedar City storyteller when I was growing up, talk
about how Bengt and Ellen Nelson would walk all the way to
Cedar City from Iron Springs in their bare feet on Sunday
mornings, and then put on their shoes so they would not wear
them out unnecessarily. I can't help but think of my stain
on the family name (divorce), and the unexepcted blessings
that have come into my life as a result of this failure. And
I can't help but think of those who use Mountain Meadows and
other failings of otherwise good people as an excuse for
their own slothfullness in getting to know Christ and the
restoration of His church.
Andrea and I have had a couple of long discussions this week
about how much I tend to intellectualize things, including
the gospel, and how this can keep the spirit out of the
conversations about that which is most important to me. And
as I watch the news and listen to the scaremongers repeat
again and again the threat of anthrax and small pox and other
potentially harmful biological or chemical attacks, I find
myself torn. Yes, I live in Houston, the oil capital of the
world. Yes, if I were a terrorist bent on helping the U.S.
understand it's dependence on Saudi Arabia and the Muslim
world, I would attack Houston. So should I get gas masks
for Andrea, Rachel, Matt, and myself? When Ben and Sarah
visited it was pointed out how the same folks who were
worried about Y2K (../0001.html), are the ones going out to
buy gas masks. I can not help but think back on when the
Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and Mom's comments about how
Grandpa Hafen and his buddies were going to go down to the
Colorado River beneath Hoover Dam and make sure no Japanese
sub could blow out the dam and drain Lake Meade. I remember
all of the emergency rations we had in our basement (read
that bomb shelter) after the Cuban Missle Crisis. I have
a new appreciation for the impact of the daily TV news
reports, and the unintentional scaremongers reporting on the
action at the front lines of Viet Nam. And in a historical
context, I have a new appreciation for George A. Smith and
his reformation speeches, including when he was in Parowan
in August of 1857 recalling his role in founding the town,
and striving to encourage settlers and yet unintentionally
becoming a scaremonger because he was afraid of the
approaching Johnson's Army. A Trial Furnace quotes him as
`As a people we have been long harassed and oppressed, driven,
slain and plundered. I have got through with it. ... If we
trust in God he will give us power over our enemies. If
there are any who are afraid, I wish them to go now, go
like gentlemen, all who are not willing to die for their
religion.' Page 386
I guess, by taking the time to write out Bengt Nelson's biography
in a Thoughtlet at the same time the United States is entering
into a new war, of ill defined duration and against an illusive
enemy, I'm attempting to comfort each of you, and myself. And
even in this time of national crisis, I'm warning each of us
to be careful about getting caught up with the scaremongers,
and to ever be ever diligent and ever receptive to the spirit of
God, of Jesus Christ, and of The Holy Ghost. I hope you all have
a good week, and I hope your life is partially as fulfilling
as Bengt Nelson wrote about his own life being (minus one week
in September of 1857)."
I'm interested in sharing weekly a "thoughtlet" (little statements
of big thoughts which mean a lot to me) with you because I know how
important the written word can be. I am concerned about how easy
it is to drift and forget our roots and our potential among all of
distractions of daily life. To download any of these thoughtlets
go to or e-mail me at
With all my love,
(H. Roice Nelson, Jr.)
