cc: file, Diane Cluff, Darrell and Nancy Krueger, Pauline Nelson via mail, Sara and Des Penny, Grandma Hafen via Tony Hafen, Claude and Katherine Warner, and Lloyd and Luana Warner.
"I received a facsimile on Tuesday morning, the 12th of May, which boils down to being a letter-of-intent to invest $30 million in our ideas. If the investment comes together it will go to a combination of purchasing ownership and distribution rights in the oil and gas industry from MuSE Technologies, and merging The Energy Innovations Group with Walden Visualization Systems Corporation all as a single new company. It looks like this will be equivalent to our original request for $15 million for putting together and executing against the original WVS Business Plan (as discussed with you in .../9816.html). I should have a final status and hopefully a signed agreement by next weekend.
Because of business confidential components of the one page letter-of-intent it is not appropiate for me to post a copy with this thoughtlet. Maybe in six months it will be appropriate to add a link to a scanned copy of how this process gets started. In the meantime, I thought that since I leave this evening for the AAPG in Salt Lake City, I would do my Thoughtlet a day early, and talk a little bit about intent. To provide a context, there are several stanzas in Prime Words focused on the concepts surrounding writing a letter-of-intent, including:
I could go on and quote other stanzas, and I choose to limit the quotes to one for each of you and one for me. If only we could each apply the simple truths we have each heard numerous times in many different contexts, think of how much more content, how much happier, and and how much more fullfilled we would find ourselves. Reaching these goals is our choice of which opportunity we want to plan for, think about, write out, and then find others to join with our journey. Success in the various facets of our life really does start with intent, and the intent becomes real when it is written down.
Several weeks ago I told Rob I wanted to buy him a new suit so he would have something nice to wear to church. He wasn't very excited. Yesterday Bishop Daniels cancelled the Father's & Son's campout, which is an annual commeration of the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood. There were three separate things tied to the intent behind these two seemingly unrelated events which I think are worth mentioning today.
The campout was cancelled because of all of the smoke from the fires in Mexico. When one of my friends, a bloke from England, heard it was cancelled he said `Let me get this right! An evening of sitting a couple of feet from a campfire was cancelled because of smoke from fires in the south of Mexico?' The intention was to keep people with allergies, like me, from getting sick. His reaction did sound funny though.
Because the campout was cancelled, after I picked up Rob, we decided to go to a movie. We went to `Les Miserables.' There were 8 other people in the theater with us. The movie is wonderful. Each of you must go see it! It is almost as good as `A Man For All Seasons.' Intent and learning to put intent on paper and read it off paper was certainly key concepts in the movie. I saw this first hand on Thursday when I had gone to New Orleans to give a presentation about a proposed 3-D seismic survey. This was follow-up due-diligence by a company interested in buying in for 20% of the deal. They are almost to the stage of sending a letter-of-intent. One of the guys I went with has a contract with me and another friend specifying how much we will receive for helping to sell a deal in southern California. He is trying to get out of our deal, and the lost value to me is potentially 1/3rd of $10 million. The difference between the folks in New Orleans and the guy involved in the California deal is the difference between the two principal characters in `Les Miserables.' I got back from New Orleans an hour earlier than expected and to decompress I went to see `Lost in Space.' I was the only person in the theater. The dicothomy in the approaches of Dr. Robinson and Dr. Smith follow this same theme of intent. Note how common the theme is in our lives and our media.
This morning, as a way to stress the importance of the restoration of the Priesthood, or God's intent to allow man to seal on earth and in heaven, I took Rob to The Men's Wearhouse to buy his first suit. The suit looks really good on him. We bought a lot of accessories and spent more money than I can afford, based on what is actually in the bank. However, as has always been the case, my heart was in the right place. My intent is on track. My signature on the check proves it, providing a letter-of-intent. And I really do believe that eventually the right intent leads to `a time of true harmony, times easy, and times sunny' (from a song I wrote which is quoted at the bottom of thoughtlet .../9812.html). I also believe it is Rob's intent to honor his priesthood.
Hopefully each of you will be honest in your intent, careful in what you write down, and will diligently follow-through on each letter-of-intent."