... III. The Actors ...

values paradoxes
List of Figures continued
Figure 43a Integrating photos of habitats with a Galveston Island model. 138
Figure 43b a 1000 x vertical exaggeration of Galveston topography. 138
Figure 43c Onshore Galveston topography (vertical exaggeration 1000x). 138
Figure 43d Impact of a small storm surge on Galveston Island. 138
Figure 44 Sample seismic profile cross-section shwoing salt geometry. 141
Figure 45 AAPG Explorer advertisementsshowing Gulf Coast salt domes. 141
Figure 46 Boling Salt Dome, Warton County, TX with dissolution caverns. 145
Figure 47 Gulf of Mexico Salt Controlled Structures. 146
Figure 48 Dead Sea salt crystals. 151
Figure 49 Lot's Wife. 151
Figure 50 Satellite image of salt anticlines in Iran's Zagros Fold Belt. 152
Figure 51 Zagros Salt Flows, where salt has breached the mountains. 153
Figure 52 Mediterranean Sea and Mozambique Location Map. 155
Figure 53A Offshore Mozambique Seismic Sectoin V. 156
Figure 53B Zoom on Seismic Section V with Grand Canyon Outcrop Photo. 157
Figure 53C Seismic Section V Digitized. 158
Figure 53D Isochron of thickness between Horizon 4 and Horizon 5. 159
Figure 53E Isochron of thickness between Horizon 5 and Horizon 6. 159
Figure 53F Composite isocrhon thickness maps across 11 eustatic intervals. 160
Figure 54 Water Wells in Cedar Valley, Utah. 162
Figure 55 Proposed change to planned Lake Powell Pipeline. 163
Figure 56 Ancient Lake Bonneville and data locations for Figures 162 & 55. 165
Figure 57 Bristlecone Pine Tree at Cedar Breaks National Monument, Utah. 179
Figure 58a River Thames Plume from NASA. 183
Figure 58b Falkland Island Marine Life from NASA's Aqua satellite. 183
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