Baby/Doctor Update

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To: "Angie Donaruma" <>, "Marcy Donaruma" <>, <>, "Marti Nelson" <>, "melanie nelson" <>, "Susie Johnson" <>, "Paul Nelson" <>, "Rob Nelson" <>, "Robbye Jackson" <>, "Roice Nelson III" <>, "Roice Nelson Jr." <>, "Sara Nelson" <>, <>, "Heather & Nate Pace" <>, <>, "Sara & Des Penny" <>, "Audrey Nielson" <>, "Rachel Nielson" <>

Hey everyone --

I haven't sent a mass email letting y'all know how things are going... so here it is. I went to the latest doctor's visit today and I quote I am "boringly normal." So, I guess that's good news! I have gained a total of 17 lbs. (ugh!) but that's right on track and Ethan is growing on track also. I experienced the "baby hiccups" for the first time the other day -- it felt really weird. And for those I haven't already told, I actually saw him move -- now that was really freaky... okay, it was neat, but it was still really weird! And, no, I have no unusual cravings... yet!

The date is still July 18 and I am now officially going every two weeks instead of every month to the doctor's. Pretty soon it will be every week -- it's getting closer!! We signed up for lamaze classes, breast-feeding, and a baby basics class, so we'll let you know of the happenings of those -- esp. when Ben has to try on the "belly" outfit... he-he-he... :)

Not much else has been going on. Ben has finals next week and will be officially done with his first semester of grad school. But he starts summer school the first week of June. Not much of a lag time. We got Ethan's room painted with the handprints of all our nieces and it turned out pretty cool. Plus, we painted clouds on the ceiling... Next, we are going to paint little glow-in-the-dark stars all over the ceiling... boy, he is going to be spoiled... And, Ben bought Star Wars, Episode I. I think we have watched it 3 times together and I know he has watched it more without me... I think that thing is going to be permanently in the VCR for those upcoming late nights. :)

Well, I've blabbed enough. Hope everything is well with everyone.

Sarah and Ben

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Please send comments or questions to Ben and Sarah Nelson care of

Copyright © 2000 Benjamin Bengt and Sarah Nelson