Doctor's Appointment

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To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, "william hartman" <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you know how the latest appointment went. We met our new doctor last Friday. I am officially 14 weeks along now. Our new doc is Dr. Fogwell and he is absolutely wonderful!! (Thanks Penny and Shannon...) He was very nice and very funny which will be great down the road. Not to mention that he had great antique furniture in his office -- it was sooo beautiful... (me and antiques)

We talked in his office first, which was definitely different from the first doctor. We talked about the possibility of twins since my mom is one but we know this one is definitely just one but he said to not discount it in the future!! Then we did the oh-so wonderful exam and THEN we heard the heartbeat... He said "here's the first one... and here's the second one..." My heart skipped a beat when he said that but he was acutally listening to mine!! The baby's heartbeat was between 150 and 160. Now I have had lots of different opinions on the whole sex issue based off of the heartbeat, so I don't know... But my next appointment is on Feb. 11 and then the big one where we find out the whole boy/girl issue is on March 9 -- right before Phil's wedding! So, Mr. Matt Cloninger, there will be no more references to EERK or REEK!!! :)

Anyway, that is the big news. I went to my sister's house this weekend to pick up clothes. It has officially begun. Some of my pants aren't fitting anymore so its time to move on to the bigger clothes - kind of exciting but then again kind of not...

Ben starts school tomorrow. I think he is excited. I asked him if he was nervous and he just kind of shrugged, so I have no idea. At this point I think he just wants to start so that he can see what it's going to be like not to mention what it is going to do to his schedule.

That's about it on the Nelson front. Not much else to report on. But we will definitely let you know what happens at the next appointment, blah, blah, blah.

Talk to y'all soon!

Sarah, Ben & KREE
(Sadie and Wizzer)

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Copyright © 2000 Benjamin Bengt and Sarah Nelson