We`ve Moved

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To: <djf1615@acs.tamu.edu>, <sjohnson@all-saints.org>, <Cheesyball@aol.com>, <jandhr@aol.com>, <melyn@aol.com>, <shaparker@aol.com>, <at692424@bcm.tmc.edu>, <roice@bigfoot.com>, <bpenny@brynmawr.edu>, <Matt_Cloninger@cabp.com>, <mike96@flash.net>, <p.nelson16@gte.net>, <damon_vance@hotmail.com>, <mbreier@hotmail.com>, <miap7@hotmail.com>, <theviking42@hotmail.com>, <cog9239@labs.tamu.edu>, <mrn@mail.utexas.edu>, <saraellyn@mail.utexas.edu>, <phil@motive.com>, <anh@onr.com>, <hpace@quixnet.net>, <bnelson3@txu.com>, <rnelson@walden3d.com>, <audrey5_nielson@yahoo.com>, <robbyeguy98@yahoo.com>

Well, we are all moved in now. It was very exciting! This morning - it took me 10 minutes to get to work!! I called Ben and it took him 10 minutes to the train station and then another 15 minutes to get into his office. Yeah!! Boom-Boom, Little Mike, and Mia helped us move - they were awesome. They helped even when it was pouring down rain... Not a fun weekend to move a house. But we have definitely decided this is the last time for a do-it-yourself-move. We are hiring somebody next time!!

All the rooms are pretty much set up except for the study which is piled with boxes and junk from other rooms that we didn't know what to do with. Ben is very excited about the breakfast room because it has the pool table and his chess board!! He is ready for any players. Not to mention the dart board out on the back porch, too!! Plus, we put up the christmas lights on the back porch which looks really cool...

Sadie and Wizzer like it too, they immediately started their digging routine - then got a big spanking from us.

No news baby wise except that we might get to hear the heartbeat at my next appointment which is in early January. We'll let you know then...

Our new address if you don't know already is: 13225 Kit Lane Dallas, Texas 75240 (972) 479-9983

Hope everyone has a good Christmas and if we don't see you on new year's a Happy 2000! Take care,

Sarah and Ben
(Sadie and Wizzer)

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Please send comments or questions to Ben and Sarah Nelson care of sarah@educationgroup.com

Copyright © 1999 Benjamin Bengt and Sarah Nelson