Baby Update

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To: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Hey guys,

Haven't sent out an email lately about little Ethan's progress. I had my latest doctor's visit yesterday. Didn't get to see him though, he had some calls down in labor and delivery, but my nurse said everything was going great and normal. His heartbeat was acting like a boy at 132. I have attached a picture. Hopefully y'all will be able to view it. It's a still picture from our camcorder, so it's not the best quality, but you get the gist of how big and fat I am!!

Anyway, all else is going well except it's getting harder to sleep, sit, basically to do anything. Plus Ethan really likes being high up and under my ribs -- which is not very comfortable at all... I am waiting for the day for him to say its time. We've gone through our Lamaze classes, they were pretty interesting but they were two Sundays each for 6 hours... long!! They really dragged it out.

Ben started his summer session of class and will be done at the end of July. Then he'll start back up again in September for the Fall classes. Meanwhile he is studying for the CFM exams. Busy little boy, but he manages to squeeze in watching Star Wars every couple of weeks! Plus, his brother told him about this cool Star Wars computer game that he loves...

I'll continue to work until the big day and then take a couple of weeks off. But knowing me and how restless I get, I'll be working from home and coming into the office before my maternity leave is over. The ladies in my office are great... they bought office supplies for me... diapers, wipes, pacifiers, spoons, etc... :) The back room is turning into the baby room complete with the new "office supplies" and a port-a-crib. I am so lucky!

Okay, enough blabbering. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer, not getting too hot and burned. This will probably be the last update until the actual event, so we'll be calling people when it gets to that point... oh, my goodness it is getting close... now the nervousness sets in! :)

Take care,


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Please send comments or questions to Ben and Sarah Nelson care of

Copyright © 2000 Benjamin Bengt and Sarah Nelson