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Hi Family!

Well not much has happened to us since we wrote to you last. Other than it being hot and dry its been pretty drab here. They still have not sold our house. I think the fact that as soon as you drive up you trip over a 9 inch drop in the driveway. There is a big crack in it and thus one section drops giving you a view of a 4 inch slab and the ground below - - - This is probably a big draw back! :) Not to mention when you open the door you have to literally bump it open with either your foot or hip - - your choice - - because the whole house is shifting (many cracks in the walls to also indicate). So the jamb is dropping on one side at the top of the door. It all makes coming home so delightful!! Now mind you when we moved into the house last December we couldn't see all this but now that it is dry... Well, hopefully it will get better...

Ben has decided to attend the University of Texas at Arlington to get his MBA and Masters in Accounting. I know his sisters and brothers are so proud of him for becoming a t-sip, whereas I am not!! :) By the way we taught Sadie a new cool trick, so all of you Nelson t-sips, if you put the little hand sign that you love oh so much in her face you might get a little surprise!! :) We Aggies have such fun in our household! On a side note we have been taking care of a little 3 month old boxer for a college friend of ours. She is absolutely adorable but a handful. It took Sadie a little while to get use to her whereas Wizzer still has a problem, but then again he's just slow... She is a lot of fun though.

My work is starting to pick up now that school has started and schools are looking for more teachers and administrators. I have begun to do both more graphic work and working with candidates, so I am kept completely busy. As soon as we get our new website designed (by our internet provider - - it looks so cool!) please go check it out.

By the way no niece or nephew for us yet although my sister is days away and my sister-in-law said she will go in for her c-section on Oct. 26. So be thinking of them and their new little additions....

I think I should wrap it up. I have to go pick up some guy in downtown Dallas who gets upset if I am late!! But as soon as he reads that I was writing his family to catch them all up on our doings he shouldn't be!!! :) Also, Roice, Mel, Sara - - we are planning to come to Austin the weekend of the 24-26 this month. We have the little boxer until the weekend before that, so the next free weekend (the one I mentioned) is what we are planning for. Then we will be in Houston for my 5 year high school reunion on Oct. 7-9.

Talk to or see everyone or anyone soon!!

Love you all.

Sarah and Ben

(Sadie and Wizzer )

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Please send comments or questions to Ben and Sarah Nelson care of

Copyright © 1998 Benjamin Bengt Nelson