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Hello Family,

<cheesyball@aol.com>, <melyn@aol.com>, <saraellyn@aol.com>, <roice@bigfoot.com>, <bpenny@byrnmawr.edu.walden3d.com>, <rsjohns@flash.net>, <p.nelson16@gte.net>, <mrn@mail.utexas.edu>, <bnelson3@txu.com>, <rnelson@walden3d.com>, <audrey5_nielson@yahoo.com>, <robbyguy98@yahoo.com>

Well, Ben and I just wanted to say hi to everyone since we have been very bad about communicating. We are going to try and be better - but we'll see how long it lasts!!

We are still trying to move out of our house in Arlington - they haven't sold it yet. Its been on the market for two months. We anxiously await turning on to our street to see a "Sale Pending" sign on the "For Sale" sign, but alas there is always nothing! So we are stuck with the 45 minute drive in and then out of town each day to go to work.

On a great and exciting note, Ben got word that he got a raise effective today! He was really excited. He has also been studying for his two finance certification exams he'll take in a couple of months. And he has taken up sculpting and is really pumped about it. He has all the little tools and a book or two to help him out. Good relaxtion. And of course, he has also been playing a lot of golf, thanks to my dad's club membership over in Tyler. He is getting a lot better and even took a couple of lessons from a pro out there. Also got a new golf bag as a result of getting my brother's old and better clubs. Quickly becoming a golf enthusiast!

I on the other hand have attempted to take up black and white photography and drawing again. We'll see how that fares when I get my first set of rolls back from the developer in a couple of days. I am hoping (one day in the future) to have our own dark room. That would be a lot of fun!! It would smell horrible for Ben, Sadie, and Wizzer, but it would be fun! :)

This weekend we are helping my brother move in to his new house out in Grand Berry, which is 45 minutes west of FW I think. Anyway, they are very excited. Julia (his wife) has two months to go before the baby will be born. They have picked out the name Eric Connor Johnson, or at least that's what it was last time I heard. My sister on the other hand (who is due in one month) picked out Abigail Grace (Abby) Campbell. That one is definite. Its fun to watch the two of them as they "progress." Karin is a lot bigger than Julia and this is both their 3rd child. I am secretly convinced Karin is having twins. I think that would be fun, but Karin yells at me every time I suggest it!!

Well, that's about all the exciting news we have. If you notice anyone's email who is not on this list, let me know and I'll add them to the "group email!"

Hope everyone is well and enjoying the rest of the summer before school starts!

Love you all.

Sarah and Ben

(Sadie and Wizzer )

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Please send comments or questions to Ben and Sarah Nelson care of sarah@educationgroup.com

Copyright © 1998 Benjamin Bengt Nelson