Five Year Class Reunion

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HELLO Everyone! Some of you might not have time to read all of this junk, so just be weary that its a little long but it tells you that Ben and have been doing stuff other than work, sleep, eat, etc.

We went to my 5 year class reunion this past weekend in Houston. It was to see old friends, but things haven't really changed that much. We also met up with some college friends Saturday and that was much more enjoyable!! We saw Jamie and Matt (Viking), Damon and his "gal" :), Chad, Pode, and Ryan.

We stayed at Ben's mom's house, but I think we may have spent a whole 2 hours with her the entire weekend. The reunion kept us pretty busy between getting there and actually being there.

But on a fun note we finally saw our wedding video and it turned out wonderful! It covers from minutes before the wedding to us leaving (the first time) the reception. It's amazing the things I don't remember happening. I saw people in the video that I didn't know were at the wedding, so that was both kind of nice and a little bit weird. We also saw Melanie for a short while on Sunday because she came in town for a friend's farewell party before going on her mission. Melanie looks so happy! Ben and I also got a chance to look through the Nelson baby pictures. You guys we're all so adorable!!! Melanie and Marti organized them into folders for each kid and they are absolutely wonderful. You guys are so lucky they kept stuff like that! We also stopped by Roice and Andrea's and visited with them for a short while. They seem to be very busy but enjoying being with each other very much! :) We have decided to come to Houston for Thanksgiving and split the holidays between the two houses that way we can see the whole Nelson/Nielson clan since we will be in Tyler with my parents and my brother's family for Christmas. We can't wait to meet Paul's girlfriend - by the way we saw the picture with her and Paul together - very cute!! :)

Since we were down in Houston we missed Sara and Roice come up to Dallas for the weekend. They were so sweet to leave us flowers! What a nice way to come into the house after a 4 hour car drive and then literally shove open the door to get in... Thanks guys that was really sweet! We hope to see y'all in a couple of weeks... That means we'll be in Austin so we're gonna want to see everyone if we can fit it in, Roice, Sara, Melanie, Amy and Anthony, Phil and Jennifer, etc. I think we are shooting for Halloween weekend. Wanted to pick a fun one for being in Austin of all cities!! Just kidding. So, if anyone is interested in getting together let us know. I think we'll be staying at Roice's house.

We also bought some very exciting stuff while we were down in Houston. Turns out the guy who did our wedding video was selling his dark room supplies, so we bought practically everything he owned - enlarger, bins, chemicals, timer, safety light, paper, etc. We are really excited - probably me more than Ben, but I'm gonna try to see if he wants to get involved. It is a lot of fun to develop your own black and whites. Not to mention less expensive...

Work is going well for both of us. Ben was accepted to UTA Graduate school and will go to an orientation in December to find out more info, register, etc. But not much else going on in the career arena.

Well hope to talk to everyone soon. Please email us when you can.

Love you all.
Sarah and Ben
(Sadie and Wizzer )

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Please send comments or questions to Ben and Sarah Nelson care of

Copyright © 1999 Benjamin Bengt and Sarah Nelson