American Airlines

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To the "fam",

"Claude and Katherine Warner" <>, "Des and Sara Penny" <>, "Guy and Robbye Jackson" <>, "Lloyd and Luana Warner" <>, "Marti Nelson" <>, "Melanie Nelson" <>, "Paul Nelson" <>, "Robert Lewellyn Nelson" <>, "Roice Nelson" <>, "Roice Nelson Jr." <>, "Sara Ellyn Nelson" <>, "Sarah Lynn Nelson" <>, "Susie Johnson" <>, "Tony Hafen" <>

Things have been fairly busy lately. School wants to get the hardest in my last semester. (Go figure). Let's see, the last time I wrote was 2 weeks ago. It seems like that was a while ago. A lot has happened since then, but when I try to remember, it seems like it was just "busy work", and not a whole lot of substance. School and work are definitely keeping me busy. I think this will be my hardest semester of my college career. Still, I can't complain, because things are going well.

Labor Day weekend, Sarah and I went down to Galveston, to her parents beach house and had a wonderful time. (Good thing we weren't there this last week.) I spent most of the time playing golf with Ray (Sarah's dad) and Marc (Sarah's brother). I got a lot of useful advice, and I probably dropped my score down by 15 or 20 strokes in one weekend. Mom and Rob came up on Saturday, and we watched Titanic with them, which mom bought. (Sarah just went and picked up our copy today). It was a great weekend and a great relaxer.

The next week was pretty much the same old, same old. I went to class and work, and am trying to stay caught up with all my work. The dogs did have a vet appointment on that Tuesday, which was very convenient because Wizzer was sick, and we were able to get him some drugs to make him feel better. He's okay now. Sadie is doing well. She is getting very fat because of all the puppies in her. We can't wait for the puppies to be born.

This last weekend, we watched the A&M game on pay per view, which they won easily. I'm sorry for all of you UT fans out there because your team got destroyed by UCLA. Oh well, you can't win them all. Sunday, Sarah and I helped her boss paint the inside of her new house. It is a beautiful house, but it is very big. We only made a dent. Oh well, maybe we can help again next weekend.

Sarah's mom, Sue, brought up a tub for Sadie and the puppies on Sunday night. SO we now have everything that we need for the puppies to be born. (I think) She also brought two skirts for Sarah, which she was very excited about.

Tomorrow, I am going to an informational meeting with American Airlines about job opportunities. It is exciting because a good friend of mine got a job with them in May and is going to be participating in the meeting. So, it will be good to see him again and have a chance to talk with a company. I'll have to let you know how it went later.

Anyway, that's pretty much everything that has been going on lately. I hope everything is well with everyone else. Talk to ya in a couple of weeks.


Ben Nelson

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Please send comments or questions to Ben and Sarah Nelson care of

Copyright © 1998 Benjamin Bengt Nelson