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To the "fam",

"Claude and Katherine Warner" <>, "Des and Sara Penny" <>, "Guy and Robbye Jackson" <>, "Lloyd and Luana Warner" <>, "Marti Nelson" <>, "Melanie Nelson" <>, "Paul Nelson" <>, "Robert Lewellyn Nelson" <>, "Roice Nelson" <>, "Roice Nelson Jr." <>, "Sara Ellyn Nelson" <>, "Sarah Lynn Nelson" <>, "Susie Johnson" <>, "Tony Hafen" <>

I would like to start out that I have changed the numbering scheme to my p-t's. When Sarah noticed how I was numbering them, she pointed out to me that it is not very logical and I that another way would work better. So, I have started a new numbering system to keep the chronological order better.

Sarah and I had a great weekend on the 21-23. We went to Houston and stayed with Dad. We got to sleep in his new waterbed (which is extremely comfortable). Friday night, Sarah and I went with Sara to see a friend of hers band play at a local club. She told us that she was going to eat and to meet us at mom's house at 8:00. When 9:30 rolled around and Sara was no where to be found, Sarah and I were to say the least curious as to where she could be. We found out later that they were still eating, they arrived shortly and we went out and had a good time. I just thought it funny that we were told to meet an hour and a half earlier than what actually happened.

The next day I went with Dad to help a friend of his move. As we were waiting in the car at the guy's house for him to show up (see a recurring theme here?), we got to talk some and got to listen to the silence some. It was nice. I really liked the observation of how the water from the rain coming down the windshield looks a lot like sand in the way it moves. Anyway, we started to help him move after he showed up. It was only supposed to be a "one hour move" (Gilligan's Island anyone?). Three hours later, I came to appreciate how patient dad is. I could tell you wanted to hurry up and get this done, but you never complained or had a sour attitude about it. We got home and Dad took me, Sarah, Rob and Joe out to dinner. Rob was as rambunctious as could be, but we still had a good time. We then drove out to the Saturn dealership where dad bought Sarah and I a car for a graduation and wedding present, which we picked up the next Thursday evening. Needless to say, we were both extremely excited and grateful. Later that night, we went and saw a movie, which was very good and made me want to go ballroom dancing. (which Sarah and I took a class in and pretend that we can do decently.) Finally, on Sunday, Sarah and I took Melanie back to Austin on our way back to College Station. I was excited to see that she was on time for us to leave Houston.

The next week was rather uneventful other than picking up the car on Thursday. The students were all coming back into town and so it was nice to see a lot of my friends again after the summer. Sarah and I also helped her boss move into her new house on Wednesday. That was exhausting but we still had a lot of fun.

This last weekend was rather uneventful as well. We just hung out with friends and got caught up on how everyone's summer went.

Finally, I am writing this right after I watched the Aggies lose their football game on national television to the FSU Seminoles. Although I am very depressed about this, the were underdogs by two touchdowns and only lost by 9 points, so all is not lost. At least we won't go down in the polls.

I hope that everyone is doing well, and encourage you to write and let me know. Talk to ya in a couple of weeks.



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Please send comments or questions to Ben and Sarah Nelson care of

Copyright © 1998 Benjamin Bengt Nelson