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To the "fam",

"Tony Hafen" <>, "Susie Johnson" <>, "Sarah Lynn Nelson" <>, "Sara Ellyn Nelson" <>, "Roice Nelson Jr." <>, "Roice Nelson" <>, "Robert Lewellyn Nelson" <>, "Paul Nelson" <>, "Melanie Nelson" <>, "Marti Nelson" <>, "Lloyd and Luana Warner" <>, "Guy and Robbye Jackson" <>, "Des and Sara Penny" <>, "Claude and Katherine Warner" <>

How is everyone doing? I hope everything is well with everyone. I didn't hear any responses from anyone except for dad. I hope that everyone got the message.

I have done a little thinking on the frequency of these messages. After I sent my first one, dad said that I might want to reconsider the timing, because once a week is a big commitment to make. While I think that I could handle the commitment, I am afraid that my life is just not exciting enough at the present time to necessitate having a message sent once a week. So, from here on out, I am going to begin a biweekly timeline and see how that works. I am afraid that if I sent one a week I might end updating you on how many times my dogs went to the bathroom or something like that. For some reason, I don't think you want to hear that.:) :)

Anyway, not much has happened this week that is very exciting. Some friends of mine and Sarah's came over the other night and chatted. They got married the weekend after us, and we had not seen them since the wedding because they now live in Austin. So they brought over pictures of the wedding and honeymoon and we talked for a couple of hours. It was a lot of fun to talk to them again.

We also got some rain this week, which is pretty exciting. Everything has been so dry, it is a welcome blessing. Although, the runoff from the roof did destroy Sarah's flowers in the front of our fourplex, it was still nice to get some rain.

I am afraid that is all I have to say right now. I look forward to hearing from anyone who wants to write back and I will talk to all of you in two weeks.

PS Dad, Sarah and I are going to come into town this weekend and wanted to stay at your house if that is okay. We wanted to see if it would be a good time to work on our web page we want to get started. Let me know if that is okay and if you have time. So, I will see some of you this weekend, and for the rest of you, just think of me. :) :) :)


Ben Nelson

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Please send comments or questions to Ben and Sarah Nelson care of

Copyright © 1998 Benjamin Bengt Nelson