Baby Dalmations

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To "The Fam.",

"Susie Johnson" <>, "Des and Sara Penny" <>, "Claude and Katherine Warner" <>, "Guy and Robbye Jackson" <>, "Roice Nelson" <>, "Rob Nelson" <>, "Paul Nelson" <>, "Melanie Nelson" <>, "Marti Nelson" <>, "Lloyd and Luana Warner" <>, "Roice Nelson Jr." <>, "Sara Nelson" <>, "Tony Hafen" <>

I have been trying to think of a way that I can keep in touch with all of you, that would allow me and Sarah to let y'all know what is going on in our lives and how things are going. When I sat down and thought about it, Dad's thoughtlets were one of the first things to come to mind. I can send out a message to everyone, (which allows me to send one message to everyone, while saving money on long distance phone calls). First of all, I would like to explain the name. According to the dictionary, psuedo means "1.) indicates inauthenticity; sham: or 2.) deceptive similarity." I felt that this would fit the idea, since it will be "deceptively similar" to Dad's thoughtlets.

All I am trying to do is keep everyone up to date on what is happening in our lives, and I hope to send out a weekly letter, just as Dad has done with his thoughtlets. I also hope it will give everyone a chance to respond to what I have to say, and keep me up to date with your lives. While some of the material may delve into philosophy (as Dad's thoughtlets often do), it will mostly be a simple recap of the previous week and maybe a few observations about what happened.

One of the reasons I am doing this is because I recently finished reading "First Things First" by Dr. Stephen R. Covey. I believe that this is a wonderful book and highly recommend it to anyone who wants some great ideas on getting your priorities straight. While I was reading it, I realized that I do a lousy job of communicating with my family and letting everyone know at least how I am doing. I have the tendency to vanish for a while and sort of become somewhat of a recluse. Well, I am going to try and change all of that with these letters.

Now that the introduction is out of the way, I can let everyone know what is going on.

First of all, my dogs/children (Sadie and Wizzer) are going to have puppies. Sarah and I went to Fort Worth two weekends ago to help her brother do some remodeling on the inside of his fiancé's house. One morning, we let the dogs out back to go to the bathroom (Sadie was in heat) and the next thing we knew, we realized that there would soon be puppies on the way. They are expected to be born around October 5. So, if anyone who is close enough to come and get one would like a registered Dalmatian puppy, we will be selling them around the beginning of December (They have to be at least 7 weeks old before they can leave their mother).

While I am somewhat on the topic of Fort Worth, that is where Sarah and I have decided we would like to move after graduation, and we are currently focusing our post-college job searches in that area. We both like having a smaller community than Dallas or Houston, but also having a big city near by. Another big reason is that you have more seasons than summer and winter around there as opposed to Houston. In terms of job searching, Sarah had an interview with PR Texas, which is a public relations firm , while we were visiting her brother. Her interviewer said that they are looking for someone to fill a current vacancy, but that she should call back in November and if they had any new positions open (which they expected to)they could talk then. On that same day, I had an interview with a career placement service that specializes in placing accounting and finance professionals in Dallas and Fort Worth. While it looks promising, their usual turnaround is 7-10 days from when they receive a job vacancy from a company until they fill the position. Needless to say, they didn't have anything right now for me to interview with. So, I too was told that I should start interviewing in November for a job, because the timing would be better.

Everything else is going good right now. I am working full time and Sarah is working half time while taking classes (she has her final tomorrow). I hope that everything is going good for you. Write me back and let me know.


Ben Nelson

PS You can respond to (Sarah's email address) or (My address). My address is my work address, so I cannot view any responses at home, so I would prefer if you sent them to Sarah's (since A&M shuts down my student account during the summer since I am not taking classes). Once school starts back up (August 31) you can send email to

PSS If you can think of anyone else who would like to receive these, just let me know and send their email address and I will send one to them.

PSSS Could everyone send their street addresses, phone numbers, and birthdays (gotta send ya a card) to me so that I can have them on file. Thanx.

Can you guess what movie this is from?!?

Hint: It is the greatest trilogy of all times.

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Please send comments or questions to Ben and Sarah Nelson care of

Copyright © 1998 Benjamin Bengt Nelson