04 Mar 2004 #0404.html

Snowman Bob II, Prayer, and Mail

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I'm trying to get back on task of a journal entry a week until the new baby gets here at least, then it will probably be less often. Anyway, here it is:

It snowed again this weekend and on Saturday Grant and I built Snowman Bob II (Paul was resting with a sprained ankle and torn ligaments). This time we were able to roll the snow into great big balls instead of just pack the snow around the cement gnome. We also made snow angels. Grant probably made 10 all over side of our Condo. Most of them just looked like flattened blobs as Grant isn't really that great at pushing the snow with his arms and legs, yet. The important thing was that he got to lay down wherever he wanted in the snow. Paul came out with his manly muscles to move/stack our humongous balls of snow, brake off branches from a fallen limb (for arms) and help Grant decorate Bob. Everyday we walk past Bob and say, "Hi, Snowman Bob". Although, now that he is melting we just sing the snowman song.

For Family Home Evening we decided to teach Grant about prayer and really encourage him to be reverent during prayers. Usually, he starts out okay but as soon as our eyes are closed, he starts playing with his toys, eating his food or asking for something. I made little cards with different praying guides, this week we are focusing on folding our arms for the whole prayer. We put the card in front of him, bribe him with a future treat and then say a very short prayer. He's doing great. Today I decided to try stickers and that seems just as effective as the treat bribe. Next week we will add another guide and so on until he's got it down. I just hope I will not have to bribe him forever. We'll see.

Yesterday, we checked the mail and Baba Debi had sent us a package. I showed it to Grant and he said, "A present for me". We hurried into the house and the first thing Grant pulled out was a bag of candy and then wasn't at all interested in taking anything else out. However, after some encouragement he emptied it only to go right back to the bag of candy. One of the things was a book about mommy having a baby in her tummy. I read it to him before his nap and a couple of times he looked up at me and smiled - like he was making the connection between the book and me. I thought it was sweet.

Today we got another package from Aunt Sara (my sister) and it had a basket with cute little baby clothes and lots of packaging styrofoam. He wasn't much interested in all the pink clothes, but he did really like breaking the styrofoam into little tiny bits all over the floor. And when I asked him to clean it up, he decided to shove it behind the couch. I put that box up in a hurry.

Last night Grant went with Paul to race derby cars and when he saw his friend Olivia, he ran to her with open arms and shouted, "Olivia". She opened her arms and they had a cute toddler hug. I missed it, but Paul said it was very cute. They didn't win the race - by the way.


Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2004 Kate Nelson

Comments to Webmaster: rnelson@walden3d.com.