11 Mar 2004 #0405.html

Easter Eggs, Showering Dad, Cousin Ethan, and Sister Ella

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It's amazing how much more I remember about a week when I write more often. Here is the latest on our little man:

At the store I purchased some little plastic Easter Eggs to keep Grant content and then I explained to Grant what Easter was all about in candy terms. He was so excited for the Easter Bunny that he kept asking when he was coming. I told him on Easter and he said he wanted Easter right now. That little man loves candy. In fact, he will sometimes insist that I let him stand on the counter and look through the cupboards and he always goes straight for the cupboard that I hide the candy in. Smart little guy.

Last week Grant caught a bit of a cold and by Friday night it had turned into an ear infection. He went to sleep okay, but woke up around midnight and could not go back to sleep. He would even ask to go in his bed but the minute I laid him down he would cry and pull his ears. Finally, by 2 am we decided to take him to the hospital to be sure that it was his ears. Sure enough both ears had an infection. His diaper leaked through his pajamas right after we got to the hospital and was only dressed in the spare pants from the diaper bag. Then as the nurse put drops in his ears he was crying so hard that he threw up everything in his stomach. Paul was holding him and got the brunt of the throw-up all over his face. As he was cleaning up, Paul jokingly said to Grant, "You almost got 2 points into my mouth." Grants blanket, pants, socks and Paul's shirt all went into a bag and I put my fleece coat around Grant. Finally about 4 am we got home and were able to finish giving Grant his medicine and put him down. He slept okay and didn't really wake up until 10 am. Paul had a major test and project to finish on Saturday. We were all zombies for most of that day.

On Sunday, Grant and I only went to Sacrament to keep the other nursery kids from getting Grants cold. We continued to practice folding our arms during the prayer and after the opening prayer Grant yelled out his usual 'hooray' for folding his arms. Paul and I both chuckled and he tried to explain to the congregation what Grant was so excited about.

For Family Home Evening we tried to make a plaster mold of Grants hand but I must have gotten the wrong kind of plaster because it took about an hour to set up and by that time it was too set up so Paul and I pushed on Grant's hand to get an impression. I spent another hour after Grant went to bed trying to get the plaster out of the frame so I could turn it around. Now, that was a learning experience.

Tuesday was beautiful and so Grant and I decided to go for a walk to the park. He loved it. After he was done sliding and swinging, he decided to run around almost the entire park. Needless to say, I could not really keep up with him in my pregnant state and stayed about 20 feet behind him.

When we got home, we had another package waiting for us in the mail box. This one was from Ben and Sarah. We watched Ethan's movies and Grant was completely captivated. He wanted to watch them over and over. It got me motivated to start editing Grants home videos (one of my many projects to attack).

Earlier this week, I asked Grant what we should name his new baby sister and he said, "Olivia". I explained how we might get the baby and his friend confused so maybe we should name her Ella. Well, the name has stuck in his head because now when I ask him the name of his new baby sister he says, "Ella". In fact, last night he was looking at all the clothes Sara sent her and when I reminded him who they were for, he said we should put them on her. I said we would have to wait until she comes out.

Well, I can't think of anything else for this week.


Paul, Kate and Grant

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Copyright © 2004 Kate Nelson

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