xx xxx 2004 #0403.html

Grants Expecting a Little Sister

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So a quick update for everyone - we had our 20 week ultra-sound 2 days ago and we are going to be have a healthy little baby girl. We're thinking about naming her Ella Dawn. We are all very excited. Paul is working hard and playing a little-too-hard. He sprained his ankle and tore some ligaments last night - but rest assured he will be back on the court with his brace in about 2 weeks. I have been trying to organize my time and home to free up time for editing videos and figuring out our new digital camera. We bought a new game called "Settlers of Catan" and have been playing it whenever the opportunity allows. I'm sure there's more but my brain is kind of fried from just writing Grants journal entry so I'll just let you all read that . . .

I can't believe it has been almost a month since I last wrote.

Grant can sing, "We are a happy family" all by himself - we actually got it recorded on the answering machine - it's a little tough to make out but super cute. He even added his own verse. Everything these days is about the family unit. For example, when we tell Grant stories about the baby lion king, we also need to tell him about the mommy and daddy lion king. His pieces of apple are daddy apples, mommy apples and baby apples. So, the song mentions Mommy, Daddy and Grant all in one verse now.

Before we had the ultrasound, I asked Grant if he thought we should have a baby boy or a baby girl and he said, "a baby boy like Olivia". (She's the little girl we tend on occasion.) Last time we had her over, I changed her poopy diaper and she had a pretty bad rash. So, as she is whimpering in pain, cute little Grant was holding her hand and saying, "it's okay, it's okay". He can be so sweet, although 30 minutes later he's trying to jump into her as they are dancing to baby techno music on our couch (cushions on the floor, of course).

He gets a little wild sometimes and starts ruff housing with other kids his age (but significantly smaller) like he ruff houses with his daddy. In fact, I peeked in on him during nursery and he was running around and purposely knocking into other kids - often knocking them over and then say, "be nice". I think we need to work on some guidelines during ruff house play.

We went to St. George over Presidents Day. At one time we were all looking at shoes in the shoe store and Braxton and Grant just kept chasing each other around the store (luckily there were not very many customers) and yelling for each other. It was so funny to watch. Although, Grant taught Braxton a new phrase (much to the dismay of his parents I'm sure). Braxton would be standing on a seat and Grant would say, "Braxton, get down right now". So, then, we hear Braxton telling Grant the same thing. Lately Grant has been using a loud voice to protest when he doesn't get what he wants. In response, we make him kiss our ears better, say sorry, and give lovies. Sometimes, he starts out in a whiney loud voice and then he has to ask again with a happy voice, smile and give a fake laugh. (the fake laugh is really for my sanity - because it's hard for me to be upset when he is so cute).

Grant has become such the little helper lately. He loves to help do dishes, empty the dishwasher, fold clothes, sweep, vacuum, sometimes pick up, and always help fix something with daddies tools.

Okay, that's all I can think of for now.

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Copyright © 2004 Kate Nelson

Comments to Webmaster: rnelson@walden3d.com.