01 Feb 2004 #0402.html

Grant's Snowman and Bath

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Here is the latest on our bundle of joy . . .

This week began with a downpour of snow and we decided to make the best of it by making Grants very first snowman on our balcony (facing us of course so we could admire it each day). We got all our snow gear on and started making balls to roll but discovered that this snow did not want to stick. Finally, we decided to use our only cement decor (Paul's gnome) and pack snow on it. Grant preferred throwing all of the snow off the balcony and Paul really worked hard at pounding the snow on the gnome! I supervised. Next came the task of decorating. Paul found a candy cane for a mouth, dum-dum' for eyes, a baby carrot for a nose, celery for arms and one of Paul' baseball caps for a hat. However, the snow was now packed on so hard that the mouth would not stick and everything else was extremely difficult to put on. Alas, the snowman was finished and we named him Snowman Bob.

That night as Grant was saying goodnight to me, Paul asked if there was anyone else he should say goodnight to. Grant and I were both puzzled until Paul said, "What about Snowman Bob?" Grant jumped off Paul's lap, ran to the window and said, "Goodnight Snowman Bob."

The next day he put a baseball cap on his head and walked around the house saying, "Snoman Bob." Now, Snowman Bob has melted all his decorations off, except the hat. It gives us an excuse to sing the snowman song.

Grant has been using full sentences lately. For example, he will say, "I need some more." Whereas he used to say, "more." He still gets his you and me mixed up I'll say, "Do you want me to hold you?" And he'll say, "Yes, hold you."

I can't believe how grown-up he is getting. Although, he is still having a hard time controlling his behavior. Wednesday, Grant decided to not take a nap. Just to give a little preface to help you understand his mental state and mine. Later that night, I was giving him a bath and left him to play while I did the dishes. I could hear him laughing and I thought to myself, Grant sure does love his baths. I came back to check on him and saw the entire bathroom floor covered with water. I asked, Grant, what is going on in here. His response was to show me what by pouring another cup of water on the floor. Since, I thought my question would inspire a little guilt and instead he seemed oblivious, I began to get irritated and reminded him how dangerous it was to walk on the floor covered in water. I asked what we should do so mommy could get him out of the tub without slipping on the water, he suggested that, "Mommy clean up with towel." (Smart little guy.) This of course was not the answer I wanted to hear as I was trying to inspire a little worry. He did not seem at all bothered and proceeded to pour another cup of water on the floor. I had him tell me sorry and say that he wouldn't pour water on the floor again a little more irritated now. He said all the words I wanted to hear and so I started mopping up the floor with a towel. As I mopped a little closer to the tub, with my head down, Grant poured another cup of water - on my head. By this point I was furious and could not think of what to do, timeout was not really an option because he was wet and naked. So, I stomped out, slammed the door and tried to calm myself by counting to ten. He, of course, cried at having the door slammed. When I came back and showed him my wet head, he again apologized and promised to not do it again. Just then my sister called and her understanding ear was even more calming.

Paul laughed when I told him the story, he thought it was so funny. I think I must have been traumatized by the whole experience because I am still having a hard time laughing about it Im sure one day I will look back and laugh. Anyway, that was the story of the week and Grant no longer gets a cup in his bath.


Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2004 Kate Nelson

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