13 May 2003 #0308.html

Move to Detroit

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Howdy everyone. This is kind of a long journal entry because it's been while since I've written. Here it goes:

So much has happened the past month. Grant is getting so big. He jibbers a lot and screams a lot. We've spent the past few weeks spending time with Paul's family during graduation, moving out of our condo, visiting my family in St. George, flying in an airplane to Wisconsin to see Sara and Matt, driving to Detroit, living out of a Motel and moving into an apartment. In all the commotion, I do believe that I have catered to Grant more than usual. It seems that he has already begun the terrible twos. Whenever things are not going his way, he screams and cries and even throws himself on the floor. I am not a fan of this and so we are working on 'using words'. Grant doesn't really have very many words yet, so I just try to encourage the few that he knows (such as: stuck, help, please, down, up). It's a hit and miss process, but getting better. The plane ride out to Wisconsin was quite an adventure. In the hour and a half it took to get to Las Vegas, Grant peed so much that his diaper leaked through. We went to the wrong terminal and when we made it to the right terminal, we discovered that it did not have skycap. A nice lady brought me a cart and we were called up right away to check in our luggage. Another nice man pushed my cart and we were on our way. We sat in the aisle seat next to a nice LDS couple. Grant was a bit of a handful but ended up sleeping half the time. In the middle of his nap, his diaper began to leak and by the end of his nap he was soaked. The couple next to us put down their trays and helped me change him. However, his pants were beyond saving and I was not prepared with another pair. He was pants-less for the remainder of our trip. We had an hour and a half layover and my goal during that layover was to get as much energy out of Grant as possible. We ran up and down one wing of the airport. Grant really enjoyed the 'flat escalators'. We would jump on them, run down and jump off. After awhile, he got curious and tried to hold onto the side and tried to run the wrong direction (which was actually quite a nice way to get out lots of energy and not have to watch him too closely - until other people got on and we would have to turn the other direction). At the end of our layover Grant decided to poop, we changed his diaper (the last one, I might add) and just as we walked over to our gate, he pooped again. They do not sell diapers in airport bathroom and so I just wiped it as clean as I could and ran out to our gate just in time to hear my name being paged. We got to the door and realized that we had to take a shuttle to our plane. It was pouring rain, but I was prepared with an umbrella. Once on the shuttle, we were the second to last passengers and all the seats were taken. One nice lady offered her seat but it was too crowded to get to where she was seated, so I stood, baby (heavy baby, I might add) in one arm and a couple of bags in the other. We got to the plane and the girl sitting next to me offered to move and we had two seats to ourselves. However, Grants new found game was to kick the seat of the lady in front of us. I was constantly moving his feet to the side, but that made him all the more determined to kick her seat. Finally, the flight was over and I lost my balance a little in the aisle and then at the top of the stairs, I caught my shoe on something getting off the plane. We fell down the stairs. It was very scary, but I was able to take most of the blow and Grant just hit one stair and bruised up his head a bit. The other passengers were very nice to help me up and carry my bags in. Sara and Matt were both in the airport to greet us. We had a lovely stay at their house and Grant was particularly fascinated with Leah their cat. However, Leah was not too impressed with Grant and hissed at him whenever he would bother her, which was most of the time. We met back up with Paul and headed out to Detroit. Paul was a packing machine and our car was so well packed that I could barely see Grant behind Paul's seat. Luckily, Grant slept quite a bit of the drive and when he wasn't sleeping, he just wanted to drink water. We gave him as much as he wanted and tried really hard to keep on top of changing his diapers (even buying more on the trip). However, by the time we got to our Motel, he had not only drenched his diaper, but also his seat and the seat beneath his car seat. We changed him and bathed him and put him to bed in his own little room that is otherwise known as the bathroom. The next day, we did some apartment searching and the following morning he woke up feeling a little warm and had a fever of 102.7 by the afternoon. The next day we took him to the doctors and found out that he had strep. The rest of the week found us moving in and visiting a few local parks. That was our move out.


Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2003 Kate Nelson

Comments to Webmaster: rnelson@walden3d.com.