23 May 2003 #0309.html

Roosters and Cows

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Here's the latest:

Grant is adjusting to our new environment. It stays lighter later, so we had to cover his window with a blanket, but now he goes to sleep fine. About a week ago, he started biting and pretending to bite. We tried sitting him in a blow up chair for a minute (as a time out), but he seemed to like all the attention of being in a chair by himself and would keep biting. So, we put him in the chair and shut the door. That did the trick and he hasn't tried to bite since. Grant has started saying "uh-hu" and shaking his head when he doesn't want to do something. It is very cute. I'm so excited that he is beginning to communicate with words. We went to a little farm yesterday and he got to get pretty close to lots of animals. He especially liked the roosters and the cows. He also liked the gravel, farm equipment and watching other kids. He did not like holding my hand and going with me, he seemed to have his own agenda. However, we did get to see a calf being born and he stayed pretty still watching it. I got it on video - though I'm not really sure when we will ever watch it. Paul's had fun making 'forts' with all our furniture and all our blankets in our very bare living room. Grant and him would crawl around it and chase each other around. Well mostly it was Paul trying to hide and surprising Grant and both of them laughing. Well, that's about all I have time for.


Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2003 Kate Nelson

Comments to Webmaster: rnelson@walden3d.com.