09 Apr 2003 #0306.html

People Watcher

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Only a week and I am still on top of Grant's Journal!!! Enjoy . . .

Grant is such a little people watcher. We went to the park yesterday and he just sat and watched the other kids for about 15 minutes. When we first got there, he played on the slide and was pretty active, but as soon as other kids showed up, he just stood and watched. He also did a lot of watching at play group and in St. George. However, Grant has really taken a liking to Braxton. He just follows Braxton all over the place. I think it is so cute and it makes me even more sad that we don't get to see more of him. Grant is getting so tall. He can grab things off the table and the cupboards, even if they are not on the edge. I have decided to be more conscious of keeping them picked up - along with the rest of the house. I love having an uncluttered house, but I don't think that Grant really loves it. In fact, it forces him to discover new 'toys' that are put away. My constant battle is to keep him from taking everything out of the drawers, cupboards and shelves. I don't understand why he wouldn't rather play with his colorful, interactive toys in his room. Perhaps it has something to do with his very curious mind. Well, that is all for today.

TTFN (ta-ta for now),

Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2003 Kate Nelson

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