02 Apr 2003 #0305.html

Uncle Matthew Thomas

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Here's a little peek into the life of Grant M. Nelson:

Grant's uncle Matthew Thomas buzzed his hair while we were in St. George. He looks very cute and a little older. He got to play with his cousin Braxton almost everyday. He is about 7 months younger but a little bit taller and heavier. Even though he is bigger, he sure looks up to Braxton. He wanted to do whatever Braxton was doing and play with whatever Braxton was playing with. They didn't really play together just beside each other. Although, one time they were both playing with a little green wagon - one would be pulling and the other pushing, until Grant got run over (you see Braxton could push faster than Grant could pull). I sure wish that we could spend more time with the cousins. They sure are fun to watch. However, next time we visit family, Paul will be with us and I am so glad - I practically walked two steps behind Grant the entire time. He wanted to get into everything. In fact, a couple days after we got home, Paul was watching him for the night and decided to relax and watch a little T.V., while Grant roamed the house. Paul said that it was a little too quiet and so he decided to check on him. Grant found the only cupboard in the kitchen that was not locked and got out a cube of Crisco. It sounded like he had a lot of fun with that Crisco - he was completely covered and so was most everything in the kitchen. Paul said that when he tried to pick him up to take him out of the kitchen, Grant would just slip out of his hand and then slip on the floor - laughing the whole time. I'm sad that he didn't get it on video or a picture, though I am not sad that I missed cleaning up the mess. I think I'll end on that note.


Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2003 Kate Nelson

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