18 Mar 2003 #0304.html

First Words

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Sorry it has been so long - I started getting overwhelmed at the task of trying to remember and write about the last month. In fact, I nearly decide to stop writing - but Grant is just too cute not to share, so I just decided to write as if I had been writing all along. Here's a little peek into his last week:

Wow! It's been over a month since my last entry. We've been sick off and on since then. I have greater empathy for sick moms with sick babies. Grant is just getting cuter every day. He has always had a thing for water and likes to splash his hands in little puddles. Today he decided to wipe his wet hands on me. I, of course, ran away and he, of course, chased me . . . all around the house - laughing the whole time. Then later tonight, I was carefully placing his stuffed animals on the top shelf of his bookcase and he thought it was soooo fun to run over and throw them all back on the floor. A few times I caught him just before he succeeded and a few times he succeeded. What a little tease. Hmm, I wonder who he gets it from - could it be his DADDY? Grant has a sudden obsession with Paul. All the time he is saying, "da-da, da-da". And last night he woke up and kept yelling, "da-da". Whenever his dad leaves he gets really upset. I think he must have dreams about his daddy - they do have a good time together. Grant's been trying to talk more lately. He can now say, "nanna (candy); dish (fish); go (leave the house); wa-wa (water, milk, and Sara); choo-choo (the train); boon (balloon); and other forms of the words - thank you, Jesus, diaper, poo-poo, ka-ka, balls, bath, burp, ma-ma, ba-ba, cheese, book, help, bubbles, amen, and shoes. The weather was warm for a few days and so we just left the balcony door open and Grant thought that was great. He especially loved going out to see the 'choo-choo'. I loved getting a few more minutes to myself. He is at such a fun age, but I can hardly keep up with him. I see his little brain ticking all the time - he is so eager to learn and take in the world. I hope I give him enough opportunities to figure things out. He sure is a sweet little boy.

TTFN (Ta-ta for now)

Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2003 Kate Nelson

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