07 Feb 2003 #0303.html

Molars, Tickling, and Screams

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Howdy everyone, here's the latest:

Grant's been waking up several times in the middle of the night in a cry - but then goes right back to sleep. I checked his mouth and it looks like he is beginning to get some molars in. Poor little guy. Sometimes he wakes up at 7 am and I think that he should not be awake yet. I usually let him talk in bed for a little bit. It is sooo cute. He yells, "BAAH" and, "MOM" for a little while. He often puts himself back to sleep for another 45 minutes (when he doesn't, he's a little crabby). When I get him up, he is in the cutest mood. He is also super cute just after eating dinner. He runs around the house with a very full belly and does silly things. For example, I was cleaning up and he was holding his ball. I would say something like, "Do you have your ball?" and he would laugh and run away. I think he thought I was chasing him. Then last night I was laying across the chair and ottoman and he came over and tried to attack me. He climbed up on me and so I started tickling him. Every part of his body seemed to be ticklish. The cute part is that he didn't even try to escape. He just let me tickle him until he was worn out from laughing. Some parts of the day are not so cute, however. He has developed a very annoying, high-pitched scream. Anytime he gets frustrated, he uses this scream. I sure wish he could talk so he could tell me what was wrong instead of screaming so loudly. He has also decided that whatever toy, book or object that any other child has is the exact thing he wants. I had to pry his little fingers off a toy he stole from another little girl on Wednesday. He cried very hard until I found him another fun toy. He really does not like it when I take things away from him. I usually try to switch him or just get him interested in something else. Well, okay, I think that is all I have for this week.



Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2003 Kate Nelson

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