24 Jan 2003 #0302.html

Grant's Ball Pit

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Here's the latest:

Grant has become so helpful, he puts his own wet diapers in the garbage and he helps put away his bath toys (sometimes). He also helps take the dishes out of the dishwasher and the clothes out of the dryer. A few days ago, he discovered his own personal sink that was already filled with water. He had the cutest little laugh as he splashed toilet water all over everything. Luckily, it was just before his bath and I washed him well. I bought a toilet lock today! Every once in a while we catch him bobbing up and down to his music - very cute. And he loves his ball pit. Sometimes he just falls into it and then we play peek-a-boo with the windows. For Family Home Evening on Monday, Paul decided that our 'family activity' would be to fit our whole family into Grants ball pit. Once we all got in, however, we were all too squished to really play with any balls - so, we got right back out. Grant really likes milk - a lot. Sometimes when he's really thirsty and has a full sippy-cup of milk, I just like to hold him in my arms, rock him, and tickle-scratch his tummy. That's probably my favorite thing to do with him these days. I feel so close to him. He is so sweet in my arms.

Hope everyone is doing well!


Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2003 Kate Nelson

Comments to Webmaster: rnelson@walden3d.com.