24 January 2003 #0301.html


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Here it is . . .

Grant is a walking maniac. He is getting much more stable (unless he's tired) and walks more than he crawls. Yesterday he even chased Paul around the house on his feet. He really enjoys going out. If we are ever inside all day, he will start banging on the door and even tries to open it. I try to explain to him that he has a cold, or that he is still in his pajamas - I just don't think he gets it, because he keeps fussing.:) He is also very active. He loves to explore everything. Paul came with me to the church while I cut some things and played with Grant in the cultural hall with his ball. Paul said that he would put his head down and crawl as fast as he could, until he hit center court, then he would stop for a minute to catch his breath and keep on going until he made it to the other side. He slept well that night. It will be nice when the weather warms up enough for us to play at the park. We went to a couple of parks in St. George last week and he loves it. He even discovered sand at one of them. Luckily, I only caught him eating it once, yuck. He also got a new ball pit from my mom and he likes it as long as Paul or I am playing with him. Yesterday Paul misjudged his size and tried to fit through one of the round windows. I helped him get unstuck. They have fun together. Grant has not been a good little eater this past week. I'm not sure if it is his cold or perhaps I am feeding him between meals, but he just spits out his food. Now, when I say spit, I don't mean a polite drop onto his tray, I mean spit - all over everything - including me. This drives me bonkers. I've learned to recognize the spitting facial expression just before he spits and try to guard myself by putting his spoon in front of his mouth. Who knew that being a mother can help develop such quick reflexes. That's all.


Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2003 Kate Nelson

Comments to Webmaster: rnelson@walden3d.com.