06 Dec 2002 #0208.html

My Funny Baby

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It's only been two weeks, but it seems much longer since I've written in Grant's journal. A couple of times in the last few weeks, Grant woke up early from his nap and was still tired; but did not want to go back to sleep and was too fussy to just play. So, I bounced him until my arms felt like they were going to fall off and then rocked him in the glider. Both times he fell back asleep in my arms and both times he woke up in a cry when I tried to lay him back down. I loved holding him. I don't think I will be able to do that much longer and that makes me sad. He is getting such a personality. I would probably describe it as: sweet, fun, curious, determined, active, tease and fearless. I'm sure there are more words that I just can't think of. He can say: Ball, Bath, Burp and "da" & for "ku-kah" ( I often say" "Ku-kah" when ever he gets into something that is just icky, which means he hears it quite a bit). He has also learned how to clap, pick up his toys and put them in a box and can even put a little tinker-toy stick into a hole (sometimes). He is so funny to watch try to put the tinker-toys together. He is so intense when he is trying, and if he can't get it after several tries he starts crying and throws it down, only to pick it right back up again and go through the exact same process. We bought him some little bootie shoes to wear and he loves them. He even tried to put them on the other day. He is a little taller in them and I think he likes that he can reach more things, like the doorknob. Grant must think that anything off-limits is a special treat, even icky stuff such as the garbage. When it gets full, he thinks it is awfully fun to take everything out of the garbage and put it on the floor, or even in his mouth yuck! I have to move the garbage to the bathroom and shut the door to keep him out of it. He has also discovered that our speakers can be pushed off the stools they rest on. I try to tell him not to push on them and that just makes him all the more determined. In his cute little baby jabber, he tries to retort me and then just pushes again. When I take something away, he gets so upset that he tries to ram me or the wall and then tries to bite whatever he can. What a silly baby! I've been setting out Kix cereal on a chair for him to pick up and eat, lately. However, I discovered him stuffing his mouth full, choking, and then spitting them all out. Now, I have to be careful to make sure he swallows one before giving him another. Well, right now he has taken everything off a stand and is proceeding to try and tip it over. I'd better rescue our furniture. Ta-ta.


Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2002 Kate Nelson

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