22 Nov 2002 #0207.html

Poopey Diaper

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Just a note to some of you whom have already heard the poopey diaper story - you get to hear it again, I wanted to record it in his journal so he could read it one day. Here it is:

On Sunday, Paul was blessed with the opportunity to change Grants' poopey diaper. So, Paul decided to use the floor of the clerk's office to change him. We usually use a changing table to change him which generally keeps him from rolling over (there is no place to role over to - on a changing table). Once Grant discovered he was on the floor, he waited for the perfect moment (when Paul was turned to get a clean diaper) just then someone opened the door and Grant rolled over making a be-line for the door. Then, he crawled out the door with his cute little bottom on display. Apparently, he made it as far as 3 classrooms before Paul was able to catch up with him. I'm only sad that I did not get to see it. Naptime is becoming increasingly more difficult since his week of illness. I've been trying to get Grant to fall asleep without me rocking him. However, when I've laid him down too soon, he somehow decides that it is playtime. He's taken things off the wall, talks to himself, shakes the railing, and today he got his leg caught between the rails. Often he's in there for 30 minutes to an hour before he gets bored and starts crying for me to come get him. I usually rock him to sleep (which doesn't take long the second time around) and he sleeps for a good hour or two. If he could just hold off this desire to stay awake continually until he was a teenager, things would be better. I wonder if he's just trying to get his body used to only one nap a day. With babies, there is always change of one kind or another - at least I will never have to worry about getting too bored. That's all I can think of for this week.


Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2002 Kate Nelson

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