01 Nov 2002 #0204.html

Teeth and Halloween

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Paul has been crazy busy with school (he was up till 4 am last night finishing an assignment and I don't think he's been to bed before 11 pm all week. I'm a little worried for the rest of this semester. Christmas will be a much needed break for all of us. Even Grant notices when Paul is gone, he just gets extra clingy when he's home. I'm doing pretty good, just trying to keep up with Paul's busy life and finish my own little projects. Okay, enough about us, here is our baby...

Grant seems to think that the world revolves around him, literally. Today we went to 'book babies' at the public library and he was a little bulldozer. He would use his head to plow others out of his way. He doesn't seem intimidated at all by the fact that they are standing or that they are older and bigger. When his world refuses to move out of his way (such as the wall or my leg), he gets upset and cries. I think it is funny, except when he tries to bite my leg. He hasn't got me yet though, because he always bites me with his head straight up instead of sideways. I noticed this morning that another tooth has come through. He now has 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom. Recently, he's been clenching his teeth with a strong under-bite and breathing, "sh, sh, sh, sh," in and out. He kind of sounds like Darth Vader. Last night we dressed him up in his Lion outfit and he wasn't really impressed, in fact, I would say he even hated it. The cute hood covered most of his face and when we pushed the hood off his head it was so heavy that it sort of choked him. Finally, we took it off. He sure looked cute.

We got some digital film, but just camera pictures. I think I will try to send a little footage. I'm not all that savvy computer wise, so I hope you can open it.


Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2002 Kate Nelson

Comments to Webmaster: rnelson@walden3d.com.