08 Nov 2002 #0205.html


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I'm not sure how to introduce these little journal entries . . . so here it is.

Last week we put the final touches on baby-proofing our house. Mostly, we just put locks on all the cupboards, but Paul did take an extension cord that was run along the floor and move it to the ceiling and he screwed a hook into the corner and tied some twine around a post on our standing corner shelf-thing. So, here I am thinking that I will get to be more relaxed and our house will stay uncluttered, when the very next day Grant decided examine the next level up. He has found all new things to investigate on his tip-toes. I used to keep my stack of very important things to do on the scanner, he pulls that pile off. Also, I would put papers on the top of the couch; he can reach those, too. He is a very tall baby. He even tries to reach the doorknobs. Luckily, he has about 6 inches to go before we have to start buying those ugly plastic doorknob covers. A few days ago, Grant discovered how to take bites out of crackers. I still have to hold the cracker, though (or else he will put the cracker to the very back of his mouth and then takes a bite - only to choke and spit the whole thing out). We keep practicing and he gets better each day. I am also teaching him the names of his facial parts. He has a fascination with grabbing people's noses - he even tries to grab the noses of strangers who hold him. So now when he grabs my nose, I say, "nose", or my mouth and I say, "mouth". Sometimes, I can say, "nose" and he'll grab my nose. Our baby is so smart! Although, I can still trick him; now when he tries to get into the fridge, I pick him up and let him push on the door to help close it. Then I praise him for how strong his little baby muscles are. He forgets all about not being able to get out the worcestershire sauce.


Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2002 Kate Nelson

Comments to Webmaster: rnelson@walden3d.com.