26 Oct 2002 #0203.html

Slacker and Tag

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Well, I've been a bit of a slacker with Grant's journal. Three weeks of a baby's life brings so much change. I am hoping to do better. Paul and I are just crazy busy, as always. Here's my update:


My sweet baby boy is starting to let me know when he is not pleased with me by kicking his legs on the floor and crying loudly. For example, he loves to get things out of the fridge. Whenever I open the fridge door he comes crawling at super fast baby speed to find his treasures and I usually close it just before he gets there. While sitting on his bum, he starts kicking the floor and wailing. If I don't come pick him up to comfort him right away, he kicks harder and wails louder. Next come real tears and he crawls over to my feet (if my legs are bare, sometimes he will even try to bite me). This scene is repeated at any door he is not allowed to go through (our room, the bathroom, outside, the closet . . .). It is fun to watch his personality come out. He is usually pretty sweet and cute. He is starting to learn how to wave goodbye to Paul in the morning and he often sticks his hand up in the air and looks at it while making soft little jibbers. Paul thinks he is giving 'high-fives' to the angels. I just think it's cute. His favorite game these days is tag. Anytime I am on my hands and knees, he thinks I am going to chase him. So, he gets this very excited look on his face and starts crawling away from me. I just can't resist so I usually start chasing him. I growl and slap my hands on the ground close to his feet. He squeals and crawls until he is cornered and then I start to eat (tickle) his belly and sides. Then he starts crawling again. I'm sure he would play this game for hours if Paul and I could keep up with him. He also enjoys knocking down any towers that Paul or I make with his Lincoln Logs. Actually, he enjoys tearing apart even the most remote start of a tower. Sometimes I have to remind Paul that the Lincoln Logs are Grants toys and so it's okay if Grant destroys his tower before it is finished. Another favorite game is watching me try to juggle his plastic bowling pins. I'm not very good and he thinks it is so funny when I drop one and try to catch it, but miss. I bought a new plug for the tub and so his bath is a lot longer now (he hasn't figured out how to pull it out just yet). By the time he is done (about half and hour), his cute little feet are very wrinkly and he often holds and investigates them while I lotion him up. While feeding him, he has made a game out of drinking water. He gets a big mouth full of water and instead of swallowing, he starts making the little car noise (by vibrating his lips and blowing out "b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b") and lets all the water drool out of his mouth. He will do this with an entire cup full of water if I let him. He's very sweet about giving kisses; he will kiss almost anything I ask him to (his book, stuffed animals, me, Paul . . .). He sure loves his daddy. Whenever Paul is home, Grant always has to be in the same room as him, he just follows him all over the house and if Paul shuts the door, he just stays by the door until he comes out. Well that's all for now.


Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2002 Kate Nelson

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