06 Oct 2002 #0202.html

Kisses for Mommy

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Here is the latest on our pride and joy:

Grant is such a sweet baby. Sometimes when I say, "kisses for mommy", he'll sit real still and let me kiss his lips, other times he tries to eat my lips or just laughs and turns back to whatever he was doing. Right after a nap, I cuddle with him and give him butterfly kisses. Usually he will smile and try to push his cheek into my eye. Of course this smushes my eye and I have to wait for him to stop pushing to give him more butterfly kisses. Then sometimes I will give him a big squeeze and a little squeal. He probably thinks I am playing a new game and he gets a big smile on his face. I think it is very cute. Lori gave Paul a plastic bowling ball set last Christmas and Grant loves to roll the ball around. Sometimes he just chases it all around the house. His latest thing is trying to get things unstuck. For example, he has learned how to open 'flip-top' lids with his two bottom teeth and he loves to open and shut cupboards, or pull plugs out of the outlets and plugs out of his bath tub. He is obsessed right now with pulling the plug out of his bathtub. It is the first thing he does when I put him in his bath. I have to lean over the tub and cover it with my hand the entire time. If I pull away for just one second he instinctively knows and heads right for the plug. I decided to distract him from the plug so I bought some foam fish that stick on the side of the tub. He did not even seem to notice them except to pull them down with irritation when my hand was covering the plug. So, the next day I decided to put tape over the handle on the plug. That lasted all of 2 seconds before he pulled the tape of the handle. So today I used the invincible 'duck-tape'. He got one edge up and drained his bathtub partway. I turned the plug 180 degrees and he was stumped (though he kept trying to pull the tape off). I expected him to have a nice long enjoyable bath, but he decided to end it early by pooping. Oh, the joys of motherhood. He is definitely in the oral stage. He licks or tries to bite most everything. Earlier today he kept trying to lick my foot and the kitchen floor - eeew. He's had a bit of a cold this past week so I have been rocking him to sleep before his naps. I usually sing to him about how he should close his eyes and dream . . . etc. He makes the cutest little noises while I am singing. I'm sure that he is trying to sing along. Paul says he does the same thing when he sings to him. Any how he is begging for my attention now, time to go.


Kate and Paul

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Copyright © 2002 Kate Nelson

Comments to Webmaster: rnelson@walden3d.com.