

VAR Agreements

WVS has an agreements with the University of Houston VETL to market VR-Viz, a virtual visualization navigation software package for SGI platforms.

WVS has an agreement with MuSE Technology Inc. to resell their products.


InfoManagement, Inc. Blaine Taylor Data flow and process modeling
Energy Innovations Group Jeff Hume
2424 Willcrest
Westside Service Center
Interactive Interpretation & Training, Inc. Dave Agarwal
1221 Lamar #560
Downtown Service Center
Tech 21 Angus Jamiason Platform positioning software
PGS Data Management Einar Skandsen Process model of data management center
  John Ugettha Translation of seismic cubes
Robertson Research Simon Kendall London Service Center
NRMI (Networked Reservoir Management Incorporated) Roger Anderson 4-D Seismic
  John Howell Portfolio analysis
  Mark Zoback Wellbore analysis
  Amos Nur Oil behind pipe
Advanced Structures Inc. Mic Patterson Developer of ROOF(sm)
Earth View Associates Sam LeRoy Multi-variant patterns to find prospects
SeisStrat Services, Inc. Jory Pacht Fault Block 1, Willmington Field, LA
Davis Crude, Inc. Bob Davis Landman and fund raising
Epic Geophysical Wulf Massel Seismic Processing/Downtown Service Center