Immersive Environments are a new media in 1998

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Like the automobile in 1898, Immersive Environments are interesting contraptions
and a diversion from the grind of daily work in 1998.

As described on Wednesday, Immersive Environments are new types of human-computer interfaces.

In this computer generated `virtual' or `synthetic' world humans are able to:

Just as automobiles introduced a new type of transportation media in the age of railroads,
Immersive Environments introduce a new type of knowledge media in the information age.

Because virtual visualization technologies are immature,
it will be most cost effective to start by
translating traditional tools to immersive environments of
those applications which have a significant economic impact.

Recognizing this new media will eventually include all existing E&P software tools, and
will redirect management's allocation of funds for experimentation and implementation.

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