. . . Welcome to Walden 3-D On-Line

. . . continuing to make a difference . . .

This page introduces the consulting services and activities of Walden 3-D, Inc.

W3D's name derives from the book "Walden, or Life in the Woods" by Henry David Thoreau. The company name extends "Walden" to "Walden 3", going one better than the title of B. F. Skinner's book "Walden 2," and then adds "-D" as a play on the three-dimensional computer visualization technologies folks associated with W3D have pioneered.

The four major activities, as linked through the above logo, are:

  1. identifying needs, where there is an opportunity to make a difference;
  2. geotechnical consulting, with an emphasis on 3-D seismic interpretation and synergistic data integration;
  3. improving environments, through data, information, data mining, pattern finding, rural, and urban design; as well as
  4. developing a unified wholistic philosophy, an integration of scientific and religious truths.

This material is posted on the World-Wide-Web for the purposes of:

Clicking on the title at the top of this page links to a partial list of projects Walden 3-D has taken on since incorporation. These projects include both the developing products (e.g. W3D Shareware, W3D Posters, The Good LFP Guide, etc.) and providing services (e.g. W3D Virtual Seminars, contract seismic interpretation, outsourcing (India, Indonesia, North Texas examples), agile virtual enterprise philosophy we build our projects around and the html documentation processes we have pioneered to provide our customers with both the quickest and the highest quality solutions for the most cost effective price and with the best integration into existing operations possible.

To assist navigation of this web site, the blue bar at the top of each page at this site is tied to a Knowledge BackboneSM of the activities in the section the page is related to. The blue bar at the bottom of each page is tied to an Infinite GridSM spatial index. In addition, a roadmap of major sections of this web site is available (gif thumbnail 'bricks' [about 0.2 MB]). Many of the pages on this site include megabyte+ images. We are particularly interested in customers who use technology with the bandwidth and compute power to easily review the material posted at this site.

The Founder / Finder and an initial technical contact is H. Roice Nelson, Jr.: Spatial Resume, First Page Spatial Resume Input, Excel Resume (note cells might need resizing), Consulting Resume (pdf), Expanded Resume, Oil & Gas Vita, or Article in The Leading Edge, July 2003 (pdf).

This basic page has been on-line since 20 March 1996, and used to include a web counter, which climbed to 13,832, while it was still active. The page also linked to two search engines, www.webcrawler.com and www.altavista.digital.com, neither of which are now active.

For further information info@walden3d.com