Environmentally Secure Facilities
Geotechnical Study of Using Proposed Salt Caverns as Industrial
Waste Depositories
(Chronological Order)
- Signed Agreement; 06Sep96
- A Comprehensive Written Report;
- Figure 1: Location of seismic surveys SEM
3-D, Sheik 3-D, and S-2 2-D
- Figure 2: SEM 3-D Line 36 showing well
based Top Caprock (purple), interpreted Top Caprock (yellow), phantomed
Top Salt (blue), as well as highlighting Caprock (gray) and proposed
blue and green caverns
- Figure 3: SEM 3-D Trace 12
- Figure 4: SEM 3-D Trace 18
- Figure 5: SEM 3-D Trace 37
- Figure 6: SEM 3-D Trace 43
- Figure 7: SEM 3-D Cube Display Trace 18 and
Line 78
- Figure 8: SEM 3-D Cube Display Trace 43 and
Line 78
- Figure 9: Map of Top Caprock
- Figure 10: Perspective View of the
relationship of the Top of Caprock horizon interpreted from SEM 3-D
survey and the four proposed salt caverns
- Figure 11: SEM 3-D Trace 18 with
displacement interpretation
- Figure 12: SEM 3-D Cube Display with Trace
18 and Line 78 with displacement interpretation
- Figure 13: SEM 3-D Trace 43 with
displacement interpretation
- Figure 14: SEM 3-D Cube Display Trace 43
and Line 78 with displacement interpretation
- Figure 15: StratAmp extractions of maximum
absolute seismic amplitudes between the Top of Caprock and Top of Salt
- Figure 16: Seismic Line S-2 showing blue
salt sediment interface
- Figure 17: Sheik 3-D Line 15 showing the
Caprock interpretation
- Figure 18: Composite Map of Top of Caprock
from well data, SEM 3-D, and Sheik 3-D interpretations
- Supplimentary Materials:
- Poster 1: Summary of relationship of 3
seismic surveys
- Poster 2: Scaled poster of relationship of
3 seismic surveys
- Poster 3: Map view of seismic amplitudes
relative to the Top of Caprock horizion
- Poster 3 description of the
process of generating the amplitude maps
- Memo from Fairis Samuelson: Comments on interpretation; 08Jan96
- Memo to Fairis Samuelson: Top Cap and Salt Maps; 11Jan96
- GSH Technical Breakfast Announcement: Integrating Multiple Seismic
Surveys to Interactively Interpret a Salt Dome Flank (An ingenious
application of the workstation technology in investigating an industrial
wast disposal site); 09Apr96