| The Walden 3-D, Inc. Design Process:
- Identify Need: Potential customer reviews a design problem with a W3D representative. If appropriate, the scope is defined and a contract is negotiated.
- Collect Data: Data are collected as maps and data-base tables and converted into interlocking matrices.
- Pattern Analysls: Data are processed to produce patterns and patterns of patterns, which are used to determine the invariant polynomials of the data sets.
- Parameter Determination: Parameters necessary to build a comptuer version of the built form are determined automaticaly from the invariant polynomials and from experience.
- E-R Modeling: The patterns and parameters are used to assist building an enterprise plan and the related entity-relationship models.
- Visualization: The built form is simulated in 3-D using a scientific workstation and performance is optimized.
- Construction Drawings: If required, construction drawings are produced automatically from the visualization.
- Automated Assembly: If appropriate, the visualization drives robotic generation of subassemblies.
- Built Form: The design is completely implented. Operation and maintenance schedules are established.