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Marketing Strategy:

VECtor will focus initial marketing efforts in the geotechnical areas that are well understood by Walden 3-D, Inc. and the Registered Experts. The key components of a marketing strategy are:

  1. Demographics: knowing who your customer is
  2. Psychographics: knowing why your customer buys

With over 2,500 person years of experience in the industry among the Registered Experts, Oil & Gas Exploration and Production will be the initial focus of VECtor marketing. In many cases, the Registered Experts are the customers. They can pass the cost of "consortium membership" and access to VETL onto their existing customers. This is a simple way to build a satisified "customer base."

An exciting possible extension to marketing via the Registered Experts is that we will be able to connect different sites together and allow virtual team collaborative research, where team members are not even in the same town. Because the Registered Expert Network includes individuals in the major oil towns, we anticipate that this will provide a tremendous opportunity to market VETL replications to other parts of the world. Once the first site in Houston is working well, it seems reasonable to:

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