New Katy Stake President

Dear Paul and Kate, Melanie and Jared, Bridget and Justin, Sara, Ben and Sarah, Heather, Audrey, Rachel, and Matt via hardcopy,
cc: file, Tony Hafen, Pauline Nelson via mail,
Sara and Des Penny, Claude and Katherine Warner, Lloyd and Luana
Warner, Diane Cluff, Maxine Shirts via mail.
Welcome to "Thoughtlets." This is a weekly review of an idea,
belief, thought, or words that will hopefully be of some benefit
to you, my children, with an electronic copy to on-line extended
family members. Any of you can ask me not to clutter your mail
box at any time.
"The fact we got a new Katy Stake President today was really background
noise in a relatively busy week. I spent most of the week at Chroma
working on the II&T Matagorda prospects (6 hours both Tuesday and
Wednesday, 12 hours Thursday, and 4 hours on Friday). We postponed
the Dynamic Technology Meeting #3 until Ted Collins can come into
town. Wednesday night we had a Joint Activity, where the Beehives
had the youth play `capture the flag' (`It isn't fair that the other
team does this or that,' and `Won't you please tell them to do it
our way.'). There were several phone calls with Swede Nelson, and
the Dynamic Business Plan is looking pretty good (those interested
can check it out at and
then click on the words `Business Plan' at the top). On Tuesday
of this week I received the following e-mail from Paul:
Kate, the most incredible woman in the world, graduates this month.
She walks on Friday, April 27, 2001, at 1:00 P.M. Sorry that we
did not give you more advance warning. However, we know that you
are in no position to afford coming up. Her mom is planning on
coming up and I of course, the faithful, good-looking husband that
I am will be there. (Kate is reading over my shoulder) :) Anyway,
I talked to mom tonight and it sounds like Rob is dropping out school.
He is planning on getting his GED and going to HCC at some point.
Thanks for the information on the blacks, I will go talk to that
professor. I might have misunderstood him. He might have been
telling us that is an excuse, but I remembered it more as a
justification. I think that is all that we have from our end right
now, but we will talk to you soon.
Love ya,
Paul and Kate'
Kate, I am going to plan on being at your graduation. I can come
up with all kinds of justifications (Haven't seen Mom for several
months. Need to spend time with Parker Gay on his Albion Scipio
Prospect. Need to spend time with Bob Ehrlich. Need to talk to
Ed Gray about his prospects in Central Utah.), and the bottom
line is I want to be there to support `the most incredible woman
in the world.' Even if there is Katy Stake Business I need to
delegate to someone else (Like attend the Nottingham Country Ward
Picnic on Saturday out at Hagen's ranch, out past Columbus.).
Yesterday morning we went to choir practice and the Bishop shows
up wearing a white shirt and tie. Bishop Camp is a wonderful,
humble, dedicated servant of the Lord. When someone asked why
he was all dressed up, he simply said `There are some interviews
with members of the High Council and certain other invited
priesthood leaders today.' Of course, President Jones has made
it very public that Stake Conference is being moved up so he can
be released and sent as the Mission President of the Tempe Arizona
Mission, and so we all knew there were going to be interviews by
General Authorities who would be attending the Stake Conference.
In fact, I had a very vivid dream about the Stake Conference last
Sunday night, and as a result I spent last Monday morning searching
the web for tree-ring age data for Mesoamerica. I had recently
reread the account of Nephi, Helaman's son, bringing a famine upon
all of the land in 17 and 18 BC, where Helaman 11:6 says:
`And this work of destruction did also continue in the seventy
and fifth year. For the earth was smitten that it was dry, and
did not yield forth grain in the season of grain; and the whole
earth was smitten, even among the Lamanietes as well as among the
Nephites, so that they were smitten that they did perish by
thousands in the more wicked parts of the land.'

So, being a geoscientists, the thought came to my mind, I wonder
if tree rings in this area show a record of drought at this time.
The image I found (../thoughtlets/gifs/MesoAmericanDroughtsSM2.gif
and attached to this e-mail) is really quite remarkable. As I
looked at the large spike showing a significant, relatively short,
drought in MesoAmerica around the same time Nephi smote the land
with a famine, as measured by core chemistry from Lake Chichancaoab
in the northeastern Yucatan peninsula, the spirit bore witness yet
again to me that the Book of Mormon is an actual record of
historical events, translated by a prophet of God. I wish I knew
how to pass on this type of a witness to you kids. I know from
personal experience, that for a second, or a minute, or an hour,
or a day after a witness of the spirit there is no doubt. Then
Satan, who is real, starts putting doubts in our mind, and find
ourselves saying what if this, or what if that. I KNOW THE BOOK
Of course, as I have looked at this graph of climate conditions
since first discovering it on the web, I have wondered about how
accurately the time scale is on the left, whether this was due to
the volcanic eruptions at the time of Christ's death, as recorded
in III Nephi 8 and 9 (34 A.D.), because the chart on the left is
measuring high sulphur, whether there are other age dating methods
which have been tried in MesoAmerica, and what benefit it would
be to study these temporal proofs of the fact Joseph Smith could
not have possibly invented nor fabricated The Book of Mormon and
have it collaborated by these and other evidences. I remember
having the same feeling when I first read about Jack Welsh
discovering the ancient Hebrew poetry chiasmus in the Book of Mormon
as a missionary in Germany, and I think of all of the research which
has been done in the last 30 years around this remarkable internal
proof of the Book of Mormon. In my dream, I was to look up this
on the web, make an overhead slide, and I would be called out of
an audience to give an extemporaneous talk, and I would use the
transparency as part of my testimony.
So, since Stake Conference was this week, on Monday, after writing
yet another letter to Harris County Child Support, which was really
hard for me, I tried to copy the chart on transparency paper using
our new HP-685 copy machine. Didn't work. So I painted the
transparency with veneer I found in the garage. Didn't work. So
I asked Andrea to take it to Kinko's for me and make me two
transparencies, although I said nothing to her about my dream.
I kind of forgot about it, and got busy with work. Then Bishop
Camp's offhand remark about interviews pushed one of my buttons,
and I became very despondent. I didn't say anything, and I suddenly
realized I wasn't on the interview list. I certainly do not want
the calling as the new Katy Stake President, and it hurts again
being reminded of failure, and realizing even if I did want a
calling a calling like this, there will not be an opportunity.
Why? Because I failed at my first marriage and am Divorced (with
a capital "D"). Oh well! I guess we all get to (maybe even need
to) feel sorry for ourselves sometimes. I went home from choir
practice and spent the day until about 11:30 last night working
(distracted) on Dynamic stuff. As Young Woman's President Andrea
went to the Stake Leadership Meeting, and I stayed home, feeling
like a failure, because `I am not good enough, and never will be.'
This morning Andrea took me over to the church about 8:15. I got
the last bench not taken in the chapel. It was the front bench
where the deacon's used to sit to pass the sacrament before there
were too many of them and they started sitting in the choir seats.
I read the Book of Mormon until Conference started at 10:00. The
meeting started with the Stake Youth Choir, including Rachel,
singing `I'll go where you want me to go.' I listened to the words:
`1. It may not be on the mountain height
Or over the stormy sea,
It may not be at the battle's front
My Lord will have need of me.
But if, by a still, small voice he calls
To paths that I do not know,
I'll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine:
I'll go where you want me to go.
C. I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord,
Over mountain or plain or sea;
I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord,
I'll be what you want me to be.
2. Perhaps today there are loving words
Which Jesus would have me speak;
There may be now in the paths of sin
Some wand'rer whom I should seek.
O Savior, if thou wilt be my guide,
Tho dark and rugged the way,
My voice shall echo the message sweet:
I'll say what you want me to say.
3. There's surely somewhere a lowly place
In earth's harvest fields so wide
Where I may labor through life's short day
For Jesus, the Crucified.
So trusting my all to thy tender care,
And knowing thou lovest me,
I'll do thy will with a heart sincere:
I'll be what you want me to be.'
I felt a comfort, that where the Lord wants me is to work with
the new Katy Stake President's sons, and there is to be great
joy in this. I think the notes I took tell the rest of the story:
Larry Gibbons (Area 70, whom I knew when we lived in Dallas):
`Read the letter of release to President Jones and his counselors.
Acknowledged the support of their wives. Called Mike Pickerd as
new Katy Stake President, Ron Burgener as his 1st Counselor, and
James Gillepse, Stake Young Men's President, as his 2nd Counselor.'
President Jones:
`Have often wondered what it is going to be like to be released.
At General Conference every song and every talk brought feelings
of a `bucket of tears.' When church is over today I can go home.
Freedom comes with a heavy price. Will never be able to sit in
that office with you individually and feel of the Savior's
immense unconditional love. Report to the mission training center
on June 25th. Samuel Johnson said `When a man knows he is going
to be hung in a fortnight it concentrates his mind.' Few are
more dedicated than President Salazar. We started as a couple
with 5 children and now we have 23 in our family. Children have
served missions, married in the temple, and love each other.
Sister Jones is one of the most couragous people has ever known.
Advice to brethern: protect your family and marrage and bring
your children into adulthood loving you and mostly loving the
Lord. Do not let your heritage disconnect from the Lord.
Happiness in family life is most likely to succeed when founded
on the Lord Jesus Christ.'
President Salazar:
`The Lord called President Pickerd. Expressed thanks for having
the opportunity to serve. Children are great, because of wife.'
Sister Jones:
`Prepared remarks because this event is so emotionally charged.
Hate to correct husband, yet have 24 in the family. We should
all be prepared for whatever life has to offer us. Quoted
differences between Girl Scout and Boy Scout Oath, ending with
I will do my best to do my duty and to keep myself morally
straight. In the girl's law we don't have reverent and brave,
and decided this is because girls are born this way. Similar
to President Hinkley's `Be's:' Be Greatful; Be Smart; Be Clean;
Be True; Be Humble; and Be Prayerful. Had kids under 12 stand
up and say `On my honor' 3 times. Tied to chores, homework,
etc. Suggested change into nice clothes after church on Sunday.
Said the next 3 years are going to be a honeymoon, as haven't
seen President Jones for 14 years. This conference brings to
an end talking about her car accident. Referenced a church
billboard: `Aspire to inspire before you expire.' Quoted her
mother: `A wasteful woman can throw more out the back door by
the teaspoonful than a hardworking man can bring in the front
door by the wheelbarrow full.''
Brother Gillepse:
`You are a scary bunch. Many of you can do better. I will serve
since I was called. Moved here from New Mexico 1 1/2 years ago.
Have 5 children, 2 horses, a dog, and three cats. Has been the
Stake Young Men's President this last year. There are amazing
youth in this stake. Both the other members of the stake
presidency are tall, handsome, and have hair. Figures he is
needed to provide comic relief.'
Ron Burgener:
`This crowd would not fit in the little house in Katy we met in
when moving to Nottingham Country. Linda was at the temple
yesterday, and at 4:00 she called with a feeling there was
going to be an opportunity to serve in the new Katy Stake
Presidency. Figure was called because they need an old man.
Recalled President' Salazar's talk about the exit signs between
Salt Lake and Provo. His exito in the stake has been wonderful.
President Jones will love Tempe Arizona, as this is where career
started. Moved to Nottingham in July of 1978. Believes that
one day there will be a stake where each ward is now. In a
few years we will have 50,000 couple missionaries serving in
the world. Linda told him he could not tell any Daddy jokes,
and can not sleep on the stand. We need to find what is
expedient for us in this stake.'
Marion Pickerd:
`At Christmas time Mike said he wanted to paint the upstairs over
spring break, and should have known, since the last time the
upstairs was painted was when he was called as Bishop.'
Mike Pickerd:
`Have a resolution to move forward in this work. Would be
honored to have 3 sons serve under President Jones. Whenever
have followed the living prophet have been blessed.'
Temple Matron - Carolyn De LaMare:
`You gained a new Stake Presidency, and we lost a temple worker.
My badge in the temple does not say Matron, it says servant.
The greatest responsibility God has given us is to seek after
our dead. Come enjoy the spirit of the Lord at the temple.'
Temple President - Harold E. De La Mare:
`Get good counsel when come to the Katy Stake. President Steward
counseled him to talk about the temple. Quoted from Isaiah where
it says to come to the house of the Lord and be taught in his
ways and where it says wait on the Lord, and have the blessings
of running and not being weary and walking and not being faint.
The temple helps us focus on the life of the Savior.'
Larry Gibbons, Area 70:
`Was with 300 General Authorities after General Conference.
President Packard said there were 37 General Authorities when he
and President Hinkley were called to be an Apostle and Assistant
to the 12. President Hinkley quipped: `Yes, but the quality was
better.' Listening to the William Tell Overature on the way to
the airport brought to mind that lives are too busy. We must
establish priorities. Seek first the kingdom of god and his
righteousness, and do not omit the weightier matters of the law.
Priorities: 1. Personal, physical, spiritual, and mental health;
2. church service; 3. famiy; and 4. Occupation. Do not let
family priorities falter. There is too much emphasis on who is
active at church, and not on who is active at home. Family
prayer, Family Home Evening, wholesome gospel study, and family
activities. Sometimes good things must be set aside so essential
things can happen. Sister Nelson, referring to Apostle Russell
M. Nelson, said when he is home, he is home. (Oh well!) Family
has a motto, `if can't have a good Family Home Evening, have a
bad Family Home Evening.' Testimonies are strengthened at church,
and they are built at home. We need to simplify and be settled.
Don't give up on kids, even those who are straying. They will
come home. Listened to the 12 Apostles bear testimony last week,
and bore testimony they are truly Apostles of the Lord Jesus.'
Elder Jim Olsen, Area 70 and Paul's History Teacher at SHSC (See ../9902.html, where Paul and I "happened" to be in the same Subway as Elder Olsen right after Paul's mission and during a reminiscence stop at Huntsville on the way to Dallas to see Ben and Sara.):
`Authority stays the same, the people change. There was no
politicing with the selection of a new Katy Stake President.
There was no advanced planning. The Lord had decided who was
to be the next Stake President, we just had to discover it.
This is a momentous occassion for you, your children, and your
grandchildren. 28 years ago President De La Mare called him
to be the Branch President in Huntsville. His daughter was 8
years old, and she cleaned up the house because `He looks like
God.' 5 years later when he was called as Stake President she
said `Can you believe what I used to think about Stake
Presidents?' If we disagree with President Pickerd, we still
need to sustain him. He missed Sunday School regularly at
BYU and his Branch President, Pinegar, told him in front of
the congregation he was glad to see he would be coming to
Sunday School, now that he raised his hand to serve a new
Sunday School President. Speak well of President Pickerd in
your homes. If we speak poorly of a Bishop or church leader,
our children loose respect, and become inactive.'
I couldn't help but recall things Marti told me years ago: `I
confessed to two Bishops, and I will never embarrass myself in
front of another Bishop again.' Mike Pickerd was our Bishop at
the time, and Roice and Ben were in the Priest Quorum. Of course,
I recognize I will just be judged as saying Marti was the entire
reason our family fell apart. I am not saying that, for I am a
sinner, and even though I am sorry for my mistakes, the
consequences are something I get to live with every day for the
rest of my life. Anyway, going on, Elder Olsen read from Numbers 11:
`Moses was tired. What could he do to help all of these people.
Kill me if I have found favor. Gathered 70 and they were to
share the burden so Moses could perform. When we work in the
church we put aside our differences. Recalled being in an
Elder's Quorum Presidency in New York, where the President was
a union organizer, and the other counselor was a member of the
John Birch Society. They left their politics outside the calling.'
Aaron Boyce and I, then Roice and I home taught Mike and Marion
for years after they first moved into the ward. Marion has become
one of Andrea's best friends, since they have been serving in the
Young Women's Presidency together. I have the highest respect and
regard for Mike Pickerd. I don't understand why there was all of
this advice about politics. President Pickerd is going to do a
wonderful job as the new Katy Stake President.
Melanie called a little while ago. She is going to have Lasik
eye surgery this week. Everyone please remember her in your
prayers. When I told Andrea, she said, I always wanted to have
Lasik eye surgery because of the thickness of my glasses. Maybe
when we finish paying off 3 cars. Sounds like Melanie and Jared
are doing well in Denver and having a good time. Melanie's job
is a bit boring, and most jobs are when we start out. Even when
it is volunteer, like Melanie's work for the Aurora Chamber of
Commerce, or like Mike Pickerd's volunteer job as the new Katy
Stake President."
I'm interested in sharing weekly a "thoughtlet" (little statements
of big thoughts which mean a lot to me) with you because I know how
important the written word can be. I am concerned about how easy
it is to drift and forget our roots and our potential among all of
distractions of daily life. To download any of these thoughtlets
go to or e-mail me at
With all my love,
(H. Roice Nelson, Jr.)
