... Appendix V: AAPG ...

values paradoxes

Appendix V: AAPG Reader's Forum
. . . August 2005 James M. Hunter: The Debate Continues I

The attack on the Bible adds nothing in the dispute between evolution and creationism. As geologists we all know that evolution exists, but no one can trace modern animals back to single-celled life, so e must conced that creationism has a point.

I personally find Genesis to be remarkable and it proposes a concise logical pattern to the origin of the Earth. Granted, many details are not what w know today. Today's science is used to dispute these words written long ago. However, it doesn't seem that the letter realizes that the writers knew little of science, and received their information from above. They were inspired by God.

Perhaps we differ because of our approach to the Bible. I believe that the Bible is remarkable in its content and its philosophy of life. I do not believe the Bible to be the exact verbatim message from God. These words were written by men inspired by God. We need to interpret the Bible in light of today's knowledge. Faith is to know that there is a greater power on earth than mankind. We have only to receive answered prayers and see the beauty and order of this earth to confirm this faith.

This love of the natural world and its order is probably why we are geologists.

James M. Hunter
Casper, Wyo.

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timedex infinite grid
