... Appendix V: AAPG ...

values paradoxes
Appendix V: AAPG Reader's Forum
. . . April 2005; Don Eustes & Cory Ezelle: Where's the Civility?

My first thought when reading Andrew D. Miall's letter "The End of Enlightenment," with all its sweeping generalizations and caustic comments was, "What does this have to do with finding oil and gas - or industry in general?" I assume the editors printed this article in deference to Dr. Miall's awards and not because of its relevance to the AAPG's core business.

My second thought is that the article shows the same arrogance and lack of "free inquiry" Miall has accused others of demonstrating. Every paragraph has some condesending comment directed towards others with whom he does not agree.

According to Dr. Miall anyone who questions the strictest interpretation of evolution would also tear down the spirit of imagination, free inquiry, physics, chemistry, the free market system and human rights. It is interesting that he would include human rights in this list of victums, as the concept of human rights is rooted in the morals founded by most religious sytstems, not in evolution's "survival of the fittest."

This letter goes to reinformce my belief that the battle over evolution has nothing to do with facts and science but rather with ideology and theology. The battle lines are drawn where you either are for me or against me. Often both sides of the line are equally dogmatic. The creationist would tell you that to believe otherwise would be to believe there is no God, the Bible is wrong in all matters, Jesus wasnot real and man is no more than any other animal. The evolutionist would say if you do not believe my way then you are ignorant rabble who would have us all using "bare skin rugs and stone knives."

The great majority of us are somewhere in the middle. I cannot answer for others but I will answer for myself. I am a Christian. I believe in the Bible and Jesus as my savior. I also belive that evolution is viable and explains a great deal of how God created the earth. I go to church that does not necessarily agree with me, but it is a minor issue. Love is more important. We can discuss all issues civilly.

I also question even evolution when someone brings up facts to discuss. I belive as a scientist nothing is beyond questioning. I belive even scientists can discuss issues civilly if we don't use broad generalities and negative labels and just stay with the facts at hand.

I applaud Dr. Miall for his quest for knowledge as shown by his various degrees and awards, but I would also encourage compassion and open mindedness for others. You don't have to compromise your beliefs to be civil.

Don Eustes, Cory Ezelle, Shreveport, La. . . .

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