... Appendix V: AAPG ...

values paradoxes

Appendix V: AAPG Reader's Forum

. . . Howard L. Patton; April 2005; Lots of Labels

With only a single exception, I colpletely agree with Andrew B. Miall's criticism of the unfortunate trend towards denial of evolution (March Readers' Forum), that exception being his perjorative usage of the term "conservative," and on three occasions. That has become a catch-all term, just as my use of "liberal" has become. It has no relevance to evolution or creationism.

My term would be "stupid," or worse, but I suppose "unenlightened" would be preferable.

I know several geologists and I believe every one is conservative politically and in other ways as well, but I would bet that not a one favors creationism.

Regardless of terminology, Miall is right to protest the trend.

Howard L. Patton

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timedex infinite grid
