... III. The Actors ...

values paradoxes
To me God's involvement in the creation of life is infinitely more likely than the impossibility of random mutations creating a male AND a female, A COUPLE, who can uniquely reproduce with each other. This ability to reproduce is necessary to begin a new species, a species which CAN NOT reproduce with it's species of origin.

How God went about creating different species, is irrelevant to how I live my life each day. How he created elephants and mice has absolutely nothing to do with how I treat my family and my neighbors, when and if I say my prayers, whether I will have my prayers answered or not, when my grandchildren are born, or why I get a sunburn. The fact is we have a wonderful, diverse, exciting world, a world which brings us joy and a world which brings us pain. A world where each individual human being is tried and tested in a unique and most personal way. Ways which help us each come to know whether we are comfortable with the spiritual and eternal truths, or whether we prefer the temporary satisfaction and comfort of the physical and the material. A world which replicates itself within very specific laws, including biological replication "after its own kind."

Think about the reproduction of simpler life forms, like plants. Jared Diamond's statement that "Our failure to domesticate even a single major new food plant in modern times suggests that ancient people really may have explored virtually all useful wild plants and domesticated all the ones worth domesticating."3.252 This is a strong statement concerning the biologically consistency of life forms over the years since before mankind has had a written language. Although new species of plants are still semi-regularly being discovered, there are very few, if any, examples which can claim to be a new planet Earth species, first appearing in the last 6,000 years. The exceptions to this statement come from the world of microorganisms. We do not know the timing nor the exact origin of the bacteria which caused the black plague pandemic, nor the timing and origin of the more recent H5N1 bird flu virus. We know that Europeans brought smallpox and venereal disease to the Western Hemisphere, and these new microorganisms wiped out whole populations of Native Americans. However, these were not new species, just a new species to the Americas.

The Bible is quite explicit describing how pandemics have been3.253 and will be tools God uses to control his creations in the future.3.254

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