... III. The Actors ...

values paradoxes
It was amazing to learn the history of Hereford cattle, and to see paintings of the original sources of these cattle. These paintings show how Hereford cattle evolved from the native red cattle of Hereford in Eastern England. The modern Herefords, with their trademark white faces, are much smaller than their ancestors. However, they were always a hardy breed, and their efficiency at converting grazing into body mass is why they became such a widespread source of meat for the beef business worldwide. The first three Herefords were brought to the United States in 1817 by Henry Clay, and in 1840 William Sotham and Erastus Corning brought them back into the public eye by active breeding and marketing. The American Hereford Association was formed on June 22, 1881.3.251 This association created the Certified Hereford Beef program Grandpa Hafen was so involved in.

Of all of the cattle that have ever been bread by a tough-minded cattleman, out to maximize weight gain and market price in their cattle, there has never been a new species identified as having evolved from these efforts. New breeds, but not new species. If you do a Internet search on the phrase "new species," there are dozens of listings. However, it does not take long to learn these "new species" are just being discovered. They have existed on Planet Earth "forever," or at least hundreds to thousands of times longer than the 6,000 years human written records have been around. Mankind is just now getting around to finding these miracles of the creation and to naming them. Discovery does not mean a new whale species, a new monkey species, a new anemone species, new frog species, new kangaroo species, new bird species, new jellyfish species, or any other kind of new species has suddenly appeared on earth. It certainly does not meant the new species is a cross between other species, nor that the new species is a random mutation of an existing species. Discovery of a new species means it was found, or revealed to the observer.

As a religious scientist, it makes sense to me God used mutations caused by cosmic radiation as a methodology to create new species - particularly when the magnetic poles of the earth flipped and there was a period of time without a magnetic field to protect life from cosmic radiation. From this assertion, it is easy to say one possible mechanism for God to create mutations anytime desired is by using cosmic radiation. Of course, this implies God is intimately involved in life on earth. Isn't this what Jesus taught when he said (Matthew 10:29-31), "Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows."
timedex infinite grid
