... III. The Actors ...

values paradoxes

  1. Continued
    • Life did not begin on earth but was conveyed through space by comets, breaking up and scattering their contents all of the time in a process that is still going on.
    • Compare the number of ways in which even a single enzyme could be wrongly constructed, which is greater than the number of all the atoms in the universe, with the possibility of only being constructed in the right way.
    • By far the simplest way to arrive at the correct sequences of amino acides in the enzymes forming the biological grains out in space would be by thought, not by random processes.
    • Rather than accept the fantastically small probability of life having arisen through the blind forces of nature, it seems better to suppose the origin of life was a deliberate intellectual act.
It seems to me, anyone who will study and think about these two lists of scientific facts, will come to the conclusion life is planned. As described above, from a personal and a scientific and a religious point of view, the universes, the solar systems, the planets, and specifically the Earth and all above, on, and beneath the face of the earth are the sets upon which life's play, including the interaction of science and religion, occurs. However, these sets are anything but static.

Lewis G. Weeks, a famous Exxon geologist, describes the earth by stating:
"If we could stand off from the Earth and observe it over a sufficient period of time, we would see that it is a 'pulsating, palpitating, living thing,' literally throbbing with energy. We have all seen still photos of growing vines and budding flowers, taken at intervals, and then run together as a short nature movie. Well, if it had been possible to station one of our present satellites out there in space in a fixed position with a lens set to open at regular intervals, what an exciting film it would make. We would see mountains up heaving and being worn down, oceans spreading over the land and receding, ice caps expanding and contracting, vast marshes teeming with long-extinct monsters turning into howling deserts - even continents skidding all over the place."3.118

timedex infinite grid
