... III. The Actors ...

values paradoxes
  1. continued:
    • Biologicals are continually multiplying their beautiful cellular, molecular, and atomic structurings, which constitute a comprehensive pattern of orderly energy concentration.
    • This forms the Earth's chemical regenerative topsoils.
    • The topsoils are progressively pressure burried, forming high energy concentrate fossil fuels.
    • Energy impoundment in both the Earth's atmosphere and hydrosphere provides for weather and ocean currents.
  2. A planet capable of sustaining life did not come into being independently of the rest of the universe.
    • Earth can be shown to be a focal point where varoius cosmic powers conjoin to fashion a living world.
    • Certainly the earth is not the center of the universe, but this crowded earth is a focal point of the universe: one of those perhaps innumerable places in the cosmos where both life and consciousness could flourish. What a concentration of mighty forces upon one more or less tiny point!
    • The earth is exposed to solar winds from one direction and cosmic radiation from the other; which check each other (as evidenced by the "Forbrush Effect") and so keep us from getting too much of either.
    • The van Allen belts absorb excess radiation and release it in more sensible quantities.
    • Earth is protected from an excess of both by its magnetic field, made possible by the moon.
    • Comets swapping orbits effect a constant exchange of matter at the border regions of neighboring solar systems.
    • The Milky Way contains matter which has continually filtered down to the surface of the earth.
  3. All space is filled with particles whose presence is only too apparent in the way in which they make all nebulas look like nebulas (hazy and foggy).
    • In the 1950's these grains were believed to be particles of water ice, then later of graphite, then of a mixture. Astronomers concluded they had to consist largely of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, made up largely of organic material.
timedex infinite grid