... III. The Actors ...

values paradoxes
  1. If the electromagnetic force were slightly weaker, all stars would be hot blue giants, which would burn out before life could emerge.3.106
  2. If the vigor of the big bang had been slightly less, then gravity would have predominated and matter would have collapsed on itself before stars and galaxies could have formed.3.106
  3. If gravity had been stronger, matter would have collapsed on itself before stars and galaxies could have formed.3.106
  4. At Planck time of 10-43 seconds - the earliest moment when space and time have meaning - the matching of gravity against the explosive vigor of the Big Bang was accurate to one part in 1060. What is the probability this is possible by accident?3.106
  5. All particles of regular matter - quarks, neutrons, protons, and others - exist as anti-matter with opposite charge from matter. Why did matter survive and anti-matter not?3.106
  6. During the big bang enormous forces flung matter and energy great distances faster than the speed of light. How was this accomplished in such a precise way?3.107
  7. Life is dependent on carbon. It takes three helium nuclei to fuse to form carbon, which is extremely unlikely. There is a very narrow resonate (tuned) energy at which this occurs, which is precisely tuned to the temperature many stars burn at. Collision with another helium nucleus forms oxygen, which would eat up all of the carbon, except for another resonance, again precisely tuned to the thermal energy of many large stars, which prevents carbon from turning into oxygen. Carbon is trapped in distant stars, which explode and is randomly distributed. Our solar system was properly arranged to accumulate by gravity this dust into planets, and Earth has abundant carbon, oxygen, and other heavy elements.3.108
  8. Almost all biological molecules are made of the atoms of six elements: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. DNA synthesizes genes and all other proteins and enzymes to act as catalysts to accelerate the chemical reactions to assemble these various molecules into life replicating cells. How did the mechanics and chemistry of life propagation come to be?3.109
timedex infinite grid
