... III. The Actors ...

values paradoxes
Mankind's remote observation platforms have discovered these volcanic processes also occurred on Venus, on Mars, and are currently active on Jupiter's moons Io and Europa. Volcanoes and erosion are examples of natural processes building up and tearing down. It is easy to extrapolate that these processes have always been, from what we observe now, and to project they will always continue into the future. We call this science, and we worship our minds, because we are smart enough to figure all of this out. After all mankind is the first living organisms we know of to identify and to document these natural processes. And any culture which worships a volcano, instead of understanding how it works, is simply passed off as superstitious.

However, just as worship of God is superstitions to some scientists, belief by scientists that science will unravel all questions about existence makes no sense to most of the religious. Consider, from the religious perspective, the following sixteen scientifically based fundamental requirements for life, as extracted from Arvin S. Gibson's book "Fingerprints of God."3.104 Think about the possibilities of these requirements for life as we know it to be possible, existing without God being the prime actor:
  1. The weak nuclear force, which governs the fusion of protons, had to be weak enough atomic fusion would not be too rapid during the inflationary period of the big bang. Otherwise all matter in the universe would have burned to helium, and then hydrogen, water, and life would not exist.3.105
  2. If the weak nuclear force had been slightly stronger, there would have been little if any hydrogen, which is essential to life.3.106
  3. If the strong nuclear force were increased by 2%, then formation of protons from quarks would be blocked, and hydrogen and other atoms could not form.3.106
  4. Dropping the strong force by about 5% would lead to a universe of hydrogen only, meaning there would be no oxygen nor other heavy elements, and no life would be possible.3.106
  5. Chemistry would not be possible if the electromagnetic force did not hold electrons in discreet atomic orbits.3.106
  6. If the electromagnetic force were only slightly stronger, all stars would be red dwarfs and too cold for life to begin.3.106
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