- Immersive Environment:
- 12 x 12 x 12 ft (length x width x height)
- Intersense 900 tracker
- Barco Reality 909 projectors
- Visualization Computer:
- Immersive Environment:
- SGI Onyx 3800:
- 4 IR3 Graphics Pipes
- 20 GB RAM
- 20 R 12K Processors
- 3.5 TB Fiber Channel Disk
- Desktop:
- Drilling Platform:
- System Features:
- Targets:
- Definition
- Selection
- Editing
- Well Path design and editing:
- Individual wells, multiple wells, sidetracks
- Target, path, horizontal section, kickoff depth
- Platform Design, optimization, and editing
- Position
- Orientation
- Target / Slot Assignment
- Well Path uncertainty
- Collision risk display
- Complexity measure
- Economic "optimization"
- Well and platform design constraints:
- Configuration
- Kickoff Depth
- Nudge Depth
- Max Dogleg Severity
- Well Data:
- Paths, logs, dogleg severity
- Cultural Data
- Drilling hazards
- Seismic Data:
- Interpretation:
- Horizons and faults
- "Geobodies"
- Attributes
- Reservoir Models